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Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies
The Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies was established in 2007 as the political foundation and official think tank of the European People’s Party (EPP). It embodies a pan-European mind-set based on centre-right, Christian Democrat, conservative and like-minded political values and research. Among other things, it takes part in the preparation of EPP programmes and policy documents and organises seminars and training on EU policies and on the process of European integration.
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Institute for Privatization and Management (IPM)
The Research Center of the Institute for Privatization and Management is an independent think tank, specializing in economic and social research (established in 1999). IPM cooperates actively with the German Economic Team in Belarus. One of the main objectives of IPM is the development of independent expertise on various economic topics for the official structures, including Council of Ministers, the National Bank, the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance and other organizations involved in the formulation and implementation of economic policy in Belarus.
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European Humanities University
The European Humanities University is a private institution of higher education operating in the European Union for Belarus on the basis of principles of institutional autonomy and standards of the European Higher Education Area. EHU uses its unique geopolitical status and educational potential for the development of a European intellectual space without borders and the return of knowledge to Belarus. The university also aims at the development of civic education and broadening of human rights and potential through freedom of speech, thought, and research.
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European Research Association "Oikonomos"
OIKONOMOS European Research Association was created in March 2014 as the initiative of researchers and professors from Belarus, Poland, Russia. Its mission is to promote and coordinate research on ordoliberalism, social market economy, social entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, and Christian normative economic theory. The Association is located in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania.
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The School of Young Managers in Public Administration (SYMPA) was founded in 2008 with an aim of creating a community of young professionals competent in public administration and able to play a role as managers in a future democratic Belarus. SYMPA was registered in Belarus in 2010 and its core activities are education, research and advocacy ib the field of public administration. SYMPA is a member of NISPAcee and the OECD Global Network of Schools of Public Administration.
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