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Expert panel

Cities with disparate memory

Expert round table within the frames of the project “Places of memory: a European perspective on overcoming past trauma”

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Programme of round table 22-04-26 download

Wilfried Martens Center for European Studies (Belgium) and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Belarus) are implementing common project “Places of memory: a European perspective on overcoming past trauma”. Three round tables will be held within the framework of the project.

The third round table will be held on April 26, 2022.

Topic: "Cities with disparate memory"

During the event experts from Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania and France will share their opinions on the topic:


Natalia Otrishchenko, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Center for Urban History, Lviv, Ukraine

Aliaksandar Smalianchuk, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Alvydas Nikžentaitis  ​​​, Doctor Habilitated, Director of the Institute of Lithuanian History, Lithuania

Tom Williams, PhD in Modern History, University of Angers, France


Registration for the online event by the link until April 25th:

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Jakob Wöllenstein

Jakob Wöllenstein

Leiter des Auslandsbüros Belarus +370 5 212 22 94 +370 5 2122294

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