The High Representative of the International Community, former German Federal Minister Christian Schmidt (CSU), described Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) as an "ideal partner for integration" in his speech at the first "Adenauer Europe Forum" in Sarajevo on 27 February 2025. The European Union, emerging as a peace project from different nations and peoples after two world wars in the 20th century, had to learn the process of reconciliation with great effort. In this regard, BiH, with its centuries-old experience of coexistence among different peoples, could make an important contribution.
Referring to the EU, the federal structure of Germany with its states, and BiH with its two entities, Schmidt emphasized the fundamental importance of accepting a rule-based order. The commonly agreed-upon rules—the constitution, institutions, and laws—must be respected by all and should not be unilaterally challenged or violated. While there may not be a "perfect order," reforms could only be advanced collectively through dialogue with all stakeholders, rather than by disregarding the common framework.
The High Representative spoke and engaged in discussions with the audience one day after the ruling of the Court of BiH against the President of Republika Srpska (RS), Milorad Dodik. Dodik was sentenced to one year in prison (with the option to commute the sentence by paying a fine) and was banned from political activity for six years for disregarding the decisions of the High Representative. In 2023, the High Representative had annulled two laws passed by the National Assembly of the RS that aimed to nullify the authority of the Constitutional Court of BiH and the High Representative. Nevertheless, Dodik had promulgated these laws in the Official Gazette of RS. BiH is structured into two entities: RS and the Federation of BiH. While the Federation is predominantly home to Muslim Bosniaks and Catholic Croats, RS is primarily inhabited by Orthodox Serbs.
Regarding the development of state institutions in BiH based on the Dayton Peace Agreement and the role of the Office of the High Representative of the international community in ensuring the constitution's implementation and overcoming political deadlocks, Schmidt cited the German writer Erich Kästner (1899-1974): " There is nothing good unless you do it.” The continued existence of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) in BiH, he noted, is indicative of the ongoing political challenges in the country. In this context, he mentioned the Integrity Package he had implemented to ensure free and fair democratic elections ahead of the regional elections in early October 2024. This package was successfully tested during those elections.
Regarding BiH's EU accession process, Schmidt spoke of a gradual approach. Dayton and Brussels, he argued, are not contradictory but rather complementary. The goal is to guide the country into the EU together, which requires a common political will, dialogue, and a willingness to compromise. During the discussion, he remarked that perhaps new, unorthodox approaches should be considered to enable BiH to make concrete progress toward EU integration without necessarily achieving full membership with all rights and obligations in the immediate future. Achieving full EU membership would likely take more time.
When asked whether he saw prospects for dialogue and compromise in the current crisis following the court ruling, Schmidt pointed to the constructive role that religious communities could play. Since ethnic-national identities in BiH remain closely tied to religious affiliations—Bosniaks are Muslims, Croats are Catholics, and Serbs are Orthodox—the religious communities hold a significant position in the country. Additionally, Schmidt emphasized the role of young people, whose future is at stake and whose greater involvement would be desirable. At the political level, the upcoming Western Balkans meeting of leading representatives of the European People's Party in mid-March in Podgorica, Montenegro, could also be beneficial for the situation in BiH and the accession process.
Schmidt expressed skepticism regarding the prospects of constitutional reform, even though Annex Four of the Dayton Agreement, which established BiH's constitution in 1995, required further development. A "Dayton II" was unrealistic, as was achieving a two-thirds majority for constitutional changes, which would require a shared political will. However, if a reform were to take place, it would be desirable to include a preamble expressing a common commitment to BiH's EU membership and a unified effort toward this goal. In view of a possible tendency of the United States to withdraw from Europe, the EU's role would become even more significant, while BiH and other Western Balkan states would be needed as members of the European Union.
The first "Adenauer Europe Forum" in Sarajevo was attended by representatives of the diplomatic corps, including the German Ambassador Dr. Thomas Fitschen; members of the European Union Force (EUFOR) stationed in Sarajevo, including Austrian Chief of Staff Brigadier General Herbert Sailer; representatives of German organizations such as the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and political foundations; partner parties in BiH, particularly the Bosniak SDA party; and members of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation's network in BiH. The next speaker, scheduled for the end of March, will be the German Ambassador, discussing BiH's path to EU membership and the role of the Berlin Process.
Die Möglichkeiten einer Verfassungsreform beurteilte Schmidt skekptisch, auch wenn Annex vier des Dayton-Vertrages, in dem Ende 1995 die Verfassung von BiH festgelegt wurde, entwicklungsbedürftig sei: ein Dayton II sei ebenso unrealistisch wie eine Zweidrittelmehrheit für eine Reform, die einen gemeinsamen Willen voraussetze. Wenn es aber eine Reform gäbe, wäre zum Beispiel eine Eingangsklausel wünschenswert, die den gemeinsamen Willen zum Ausdruck brächte, dass BiH Mitglied der EU sein will und alle Anstrengungen auf dieses Ziel gebündelt werden. Auch mit Blick auf einen möglichen tendenziellen Rückzug der USA aus Europa werde die EU an Bedeutung noch gewinnen und würden BiH wie die weiteren West-Balkanstaaten in der EU gebraucht.
Am ersten „Adenauer-Europa-Forum“ in Sarajevo nahmen Vertreter des diplomatischen Corps, darunter der deutsche Boschafter Dr. Thomas Fitschen, der in Sarajevo stationierten European Union Force (EUFOR), darunter der österreichische Stabschef Brigadier General Herbert Sailer, von deutschen Organisationen wie der Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit und der politischen Stiftungen, der Partnerparteien in BiH, insbesondere der bosniakischen SDA, und des Netzwerkes der Adenauer-Stiftung in BiH teil. Der nächste Sprecher Ende März wird der deutsche Botschafter sein zum Thema: BiH auf dem Weg in die EU und die Rolle des Berlin Prozesses.