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Single title

Visions of a Just Society

Fears, Hopes, and Chances for Living together in a Globalized World from Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives

This publication records papers presented to an unprecedented International Consultation wich was held in Sarajevo in November 2005. At the invitation of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation/Office Sarajevo and the Abrahamic Forum of the International Council of Christians and Jews, about forty leading experts and representatives of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim communities from eleven countries came together to discuss "Visions of a Just Society - Fears, Hopes, and Chances for Living together in a Globalized World from Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives Focusing on South Eastern Europe". Illustrating the many facets of the topic and reflecting the variety of approaches to it, the volume also invites the reader to pick up the thread and continue the discussion on building a multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural society that rightly may be called a just society, a society that allows, and guarantees, peaceful living together of all its memebers irrespective of their cultural or ethnic background, faith and political orientation.

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