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Political Education

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Political participation of women

We support the political participation of women because we believe that the equality of chances of men and women are crucial in a representative democracy.

  • Context: The inequality of chances of men and women in Brazilian society is reflected in the very low political representation of women. However, a representative democracy depends on the political participation of women.
  • Our activities: We organize workshops in which we foster the active political participation of female participants and qualify them. In our seminars we discuss public policies for women and their role in society.
  • Our partner: The “PSDB-Mulher” organization, a KAS partner since 2008, is the women’s organisation of the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PDSB) which is positioned in the centre of the political spectrum. Since 1999 they have been fighting for equal opportunities for men and women and the political participation of women.
Training of political junior employees

We train political junior employees because we believe that democracy needs consistent renewal.

  • Context: The youth is only rarely represented in Brazil’s political system. Trained junior employees could in the future have leading roles in parties as well as in society based on Christian democratic values.
  • Our activities: In our courses for young aspiring politicians we bring together methodological training and discussions of political content.
  • Our partners: We have been cooperating since 2003 with the youth organisation of the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB), a party from the centre of the political spectrum, with observer status for the Christian Democratic Organisation of America (ODCA), and since 2007 with the youth organisation of the conservative liberals “Democratas” (DEM, ODCA member).


Political education of students

We intend to get more students interested in politics in order to show them ways of civil commitment.

  • Context: There is practically no political education for teenagers in Brazil, and hence their interest in political connections and knowledge about how to get politically engaged are very narrow. Through political education for the youth we strengthen the engagement of prospective multipliers in society.
  • Our activities: Since 2008, we offer schools in São Paulo party neutral courses with basic political topics in addition to their regular schedules.
  • Our partner: Courses are held by the political scientist Prof. Humberto Dantas, speaker and head of political science research studies at the Foundation College of Social and Political Science in São Paulo.

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Ariane Costa

Ariane Costa KAS

Project Coordinator

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