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Democracy and Rule of Law

Asset Publisher

Strengthening of human rights

We instruct advisors for laypersons in legal matters because we believe that knowledge and respect for human rights are a fundamental part of democracy.




  • Context: In some regions of Brazil, knowledge and respect for human rights are not sufficient. Instructing layperson advisors in legal matters helps towards the implementation of human rights everywhere.
  • Our activities: We educate leadership personalities from civil initiatives and church groups about constitutional certified legal instruments so that they can help victims of infringement of Human Rights in cooperation with local authorities.
  • Our partner: Since 1994, the Human Rights Centre of Cristalândia (CDHC) in the state of Tocatins advocates for the defence, strengthening and guarantee of Human Rights and fosters a network of people and institutions.


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Sophie Weber

Atividade de integração e turma de agentes jurídicos populares em\r\nCristalândia, Tocantins privat
Atividade de integração e turma de agentes jurídicos populares em\r\nCristalândia, Tocantins privat

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