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Human Rights and Dignity Course

Course organized by Kolping Brazil in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation

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Brazil is a country marked by inequality, and its consequences can be seen in the lives of millions of Brazilians. The precarious conditions of access to health, quality housing, education, transportation, accessibility, basic sanitation, leisure, and many other services further highlight the disparities aggravated by the current economic crisis. Policies must guarantee decent conditions for the population, and this can only be possible with the genuine demands of everyday life, including the population in the so-called Public Policy Cycle.


The Human Rights Training Course aims to broaden and deepen the debate for multiplier leaders and all interested parties who can disseminate such knowledge to communities in deep Brazil, especially in the peripheries, where access to this knowledge is often limited. In this edition, Kolping Brasil and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Brazil launch this course with a focus on rights and public policies for three groups: the elderly, people with disabilities (PWD), and homeless people. It is divided into three general themes and each theme has two lessons. The meetings are scheduled in virtual format (via Zoom) twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday) from 20:00 to 21:30. Certificates will be issued to students with more than 75% attendance in class. The course language is Portuguese.

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Training Course in Human Rights and Dignity
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Luiz Gustavo Carlos

Luiz Carlos KAS

Project Coordinator +55 21 2220 5441 +55 21 2220 5448

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Obra Kolping