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Event Reports

Training Course in Human Rights and Dignity

by Luiz Gustavo Carlos
Course held in partnership between the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Kolping Brazil.

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Over the past three weeks, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, in partnership with Kolping Brasil, conducted the Human Rights and Dignity Training Course. The objective of human rights training is to engage in accessible and qualified discussions on current and relevant human rights topics within the Brazilian context. In this edition, the course aimed to delve deeper into three different aspects of human dignity: access to justice and public policies for the homeless population, public policies for people with disabilities, and public policies for the elderly population.

In addition to providing accessible communication of the curriculum, the course sought to foster discussions within a diverse group, comprised of participants from all regions of the country. One of the great strengths of the project developed in partnership with Kolping is the emphasis on forming a class with participants from different backgrounds, educational levels, and professional backgrounds. Some of them possessed extensive academic knowledge, but the majority were professionals working in the nonprofit sector and individuals interested in the subject.

Social inequality is one of the factors that hinder access to justice and prevent the guarantee of human dignity. People with disabilities have consistently observed violations of their fundamental rights, whether due to lack of accessibility and opportunities, access to the job market, or access to public healthcare. Furthermore, there is an apparent lack of interest among decision-makers in including the elderly population in the formulation of policies related to access, leisure, and healthcare, often hindering the possibility of a dignified life for this segment of the population, which, according to 2022 Census data, has grown over the past decade. With the deepening of the economic crisis, poverty and the number of homeless individuals in cities across the country have substantially increased. This phenomenon underscores the importance of specific public policies for this population, such as policies related to housing, healthcare access, food, and employment.

The classes took place in a virtual format and featured the participation of an interested and engaged audience. In total, more than one hundred and fifty people were impacted by the activity. They had the opportunity to deepen their understanding of fundamental topics for contemporary Brazil from a human rights perspective.

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Luiz Gustavo Carlos

Luiz Carlos KAS

Project Coordinator +55 21 2220 5441 +55 21 2220 5448


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