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Event Reports

Visiting the past to understand the present and deal with the future

by Luiz Gustavo Carlos
The project, in partnership with the Casa Stefan Zweig museum in Petrópolis, RJ, consists of encouraging school visits from public schools in the region.

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The "Visits to the Stefan Zweig House" Project, carried out throughout the year 2023, aimed to provide enriching educational experiences for young students from public schools in the mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro. This was achieved through guided visits to the Stefan Zweig House. The region, in addition to being the location of the museum, is marked by social inequality, which also impacts the educational development of the youth. For this reason, schools from peripheral areas were selected to bring the museum's themes into the classroom through a cultural and educational immersion.


The proposal seeks to introduce topics such as extremism, the Holocaust, dialogue, and democracy, often serving as these young individuals' first exposure to such subjects. This initiative had a significant impact on a substantial number of young students and contributed to fostering discussions on these themes within their educational institutions. The project was guided by specialized instructors who helped students relate the museum's central themes to contemporary issues, such as the rise of new forms of nationalism and extremism. These visits represented a valuable learning opportunity, allowing students to explore relevant topics of today's society in a practical and interactive manner.

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Luiz Gustavo Carlos

Luiz Carlos KAS

Project Coordinator +55 21 2220 5441 +55 21 2220 5448


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