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Security Snapshot


Security Snapshot II

Hybrid Threats – European Security at stake

“Hybrid threats” have become a key security issue. Since Russia’s war in Ukraine, Europeans have grown aware that Moscow’s destabilizing actions do not end in Ukraine, but tar-get us, too. Leaders have increasingly turned to the term “hybrid” to classify these malicious actions against Europe. In this episode of the security snapshot, we will unpack this concept.

Security Snapshot

How to make Europe more secure?

In this opening edition, we present the key areas that need to be monitored and developed for a secure future for the European community and the EU, and the factors that threaten the stability of the European continent. We believe that European cooperation, defence capabilities, preparedness and the general visibility of security topics in the public spheres are at stake and need to be addressed - in the work of decision-makers, influential actors, educators, and researchers alike. We look forward to integrating this project into our Europe-centred work and activities, combining elements of research with real-life exchanges and the networks we continue to build. You are very welcome to help us sharpen and shape this additional format!

Asset Publisher

About this series

The KAS Europe Security Snapshot is designed to provide concise and insightful analysis on a range of security issues, notably those that are currently prominent on the political agenda in Europe and others that are not yet being sufficiently addressed. Against the backdrop of the current geopolitical challenges and the advent of a new era for European security and defence, as indicated in the political guidelines of the new European Commission, the publication series aims to break down current trends in order to make them accessible to a wider audience. New briefings will be published several times per year

Dr. Beatrice Gorawantschy

Dr. Beatrice Gorawantschy bild

Director KAS European Office +32 2 66931-51 +32 2 66931-62