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Expert panel

A look in the same direction? – The transatlantic perspective of human dignity and freedom?

In cooperation with the Acton Institute for Study of Religion and Liberty, the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation takes great pleasure in inviting you to discuss the transatlantic perspectives on the topic of human dignity, faith and freedom.

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The highly esteemed values of freedom, human dignity and faith are under great pressure due to the upheavals of our time. Therefore joint strategies between Europe and the United States are of fundamental importance. The expert roundtable will outline commonalities and differences between the transatlantic Partners, and aims to identify an approach for a joint course of action. The roundtable discussion will host experts from both the EU and the US.

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Brussels European Office
11, Avenue de l’Yser,
B-1040 Brussels
Zur Webseite



Alojz Peterle (Member of the European Parliament),David Quinn (The Irish Independent),Todd Huizinga (Acton Institute),Filip Buff Pedersen (Danish Mission Council),and Anthony L. Gardner (U.S. Ambassador to the EU) (tbc)

Tina Mercep

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