Asset Publisher


The Future of the banking system in Europe

do we still need banks in the 21st century or just banking services?

The European finance economy has the biggest influence on the development of the sociopolitical environment in the 21st century. Will we continue to dissociate from the classical model of banks? Who will finance the economy and industry in future?

Asset Publisher


The European finance economy has the biggest influence on the development of the sociopolitical environment in the 21st century. Will we continue to dissociate from the classical model of banks? Who will finance the economy and industry, the society and science in future? What will happen to savers and investors? Where are the borders of state and private investment? What will shape the digitalization of the finance economy? Those are just a few of the upcoming questions, which need to be considered regarding the elaboration of a French-German private bank. This also involves balancing the interests between the state and the private sector, between the regulations and the changing institutional players in the capital market. And in the end: what comes after the cash? Here it is important to not only focus on the analysis, but also to include solution models into the discussion. The need of such models and the occasion of the acquisition of the BHF-Bank by the Oddo & Cie Group – establishing a new French-German private bank – are the reason for this expert symposium.

Asset Publisher

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Brussels European Office
11, Avenue de l’Yser,
B-1040 Brussels
Zur Webseite



Alexander Mettenheimer, Member of the Supervisory Board of the BHF-Bank,Dr. Daniel Gros, Director of the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS),Markus Becker-Melching, Member of the Management Board, Bundesverband deutscher Banken

Oliver Morwinsky

Oliver Morwinsky bild

Head of the Baltic States Offices +371 673 312 64

Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher