From Germany to Canada - Elections in 2025
After the federal election in Germany on 23 February 2025, and elections in the province of Ontario, and a potential national election in Canada, what is next for the future?
Canada, Asia-Pacific and Europe: The world economy moving forward
New world economy order under Trump administration, and economic threats from China, how could it impact its current framework such as CPTPP & USMCA as well as Europe?
Specialist conference
Elections and Combatting Against Foreign Election Interference in USA
An evening with Thomas Hicks, U.S. Commissioner
Safeguarding Democracy
Insights from the 2024 European Elections in Combating Foreign Interference and Disinformation
Book presentation
Digital Booklet Launch
Using the Past to Define the Present: An Introduction to Memory Politics in Canada & Europe
Specialist conference
Addressing the Past - Shaping the Future: Memory Politics in Europe and Canada
10 Items per Page
10 Items per Page