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CASE 5: Photovoltaic Solar Plant for Municipal Energy Autonomy

[Fact sheet] Río de Janeiro (Brazil)

SOLARIUM CARIOCA: An innovative approach to energy management on a municipal scale.

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The Solárium Carioca is a project included in the Sustainable Development and Climate Action Plan and the Strategic Plan of the city of Rio de Janeiro. It is an action that combines efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce the cost of energy bills and bring new ways of approaching energy management at the municipal level.

The Planning Office - EPL coordinated the entire implementation of the technical proposal together with the C40 Cities network and the C40 Cities Finance Facility, which supported the preparation of the basic project, the economic and financial modeling and all gender and governance studies, as well as the training of Rio de Janeiro City Hall technicians to implement the project.

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Anuska Soares


Project Coordinator +51 1 320 2870


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