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CASE 6: Biogas Production from Rural Wastes

[Fact sheet] Entre Rios do Oeste (Brazil)

Biogas production in the Brazilian city of Entre Rios do Oeste.

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Entre Rios do Oeste is a small city (less than 5,000 inhabitants), but with great potential for on-farm biogas production. The city is the 4th largest swine producer in the state of Paraná and the 16th largest in Brazil, and is also considered a success in waste treatment and clean energy generation, serving as an example for other cities in the region.


The case of Entre Rios do Oeste is quite unique. Firstly, because of the high concentration of rural pig producers and, secondly, because the resources of ANEEL's R&D&I project made the context favorable and feasible.

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Anuska Soares


Project Coordinator +51 1 320 2870


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