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Single title

NDC in Latin America

The Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) in Latin America with a specific focus on the energy and land use sectors.

Asset Publisher

This publication is the first in a series of short publications on climate action and the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The same one that plays a relevant role a few months before the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP26) is held.

Through 10 questions, the publication prepared together with Quantum Leap gives us an explanatory journey about the #NDCs and their importance in combating the effects of climate change.

What are NDCs? What is the context of NDCs in the Paris Agreement? How are NDCs prepared? When were the first NDCs and updated / new NDCs introduced? NDC? What are the NDCs committing to in relation to mitigation? What are the NDCs committing to in relation to adaptation? How are the NDCs implemented? How is the preparation and implementation of the NDCs supported? ? What do the current NDCs add to?

👉 Download the publication and know the answers.

* Publication available in Spanish.

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