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Democracy needs Participation

Democracy needs Participation

When asked about our activities, the answer could be succinct: We are dedicated to fostering democracy, both in Germany and globally. On these pages, we detail our approach, the challenges we face, and our partners in this endeavor.


Democracy means the power of the people. Every individual is part of the people. Power entails responsibility. Each of us must be aware that we are also co-responsible for the entire political and economic processes.

Konrad Adenauer, 1954

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At a glance

  • Democracy is our mission! A large point of our work therefore lies in promoting and preserving democracies – worldwide but also here in Germany.
  • Participation is the most fundamental principle of democracy and freedom. We are convinced of this. In our country, it is mainly the democratic parties that enable political participation.
  • Many democracies are under pressure. There are those who believe that autocracies are more efficient. That this goes hand in hand with the renunciation of freedoms and basic rights, is often overlooked.
  • An essential element of democracies is a healthy culture of debate that deals with differences of opinion in open, respectful and tolerant manner. It needs to facilitate compromises, derive decisions and promote their acceptance.
  • With our political education work, we strive to further develop the culture of debate and want to convince people to inform themselves and take on more democratic reesponsiblity.



1. The heart of our democracy beats in parliaments

2. Inspiring more democratic responsibility through political education

3. Our offers and projects on the topic

4. Publications, events and media contributions on the topic


Discuss with us on social media under the hashtag: #KAS4Democracy.

The heart of our democracy beats in parliaments

At Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, we believe participation is the fundamental principle of democracy and freedom. The heartbeat of our democracy resides in the parliaments, with democratic parties playing a key role in enabling citizens' political participation.

We understand that each democracy is unique, reflecting the distinct characteristics of its country. However, many democratic nations currently share a common challenge: they are under pressure. Parts of these societies, although a minority, express dissatisfaction with the state of democracy. In Germany, there's a rising belief in the efficiency of autocratic systems, overlooking the high cost paid under authoritarian regimes, such as the loss of freedoms and basic rights like property protection, co-determination, or pluralism.

We are committed to developing bold ideas and models for political participation within our representative democracy. Democracy thrives on pluralism, compromise, and a vibrant culture of debate. Our aim is to foster open, respectful, and tolerant discussions, leading to well-considered compromises and accepted decisions. This requires the continuous evolution of our debate culture, both offline and online, grounded in reliable information.


Inspiring more democratic responsibility through political education

Through our political education forums, analyses, contemporary historical research, and international experiences, we strive to engage more people in democratic co-responsibility. Our experts in Germany and across more than 100 countries play a vital role in persuading people of the importance and value of staying informed and actively participating. We constantly explore ways to remain competitive, balance speed with political participation, and enhance the allure of liberal democracy and open society over authoritarian models. From our Christian democratic perspective, we see our mission in strengthening both individual responsibility and the sense of community cohesion essential in every democratic country.

Our offers and projects on the topic

International offices and programmes

In our commitment to democracy, the rule of law, freedom and the social market economy, we always think in a networked and future-oriented way. For these reasons, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation maintains various programmes and offices in numerous countries of operation.

International Media Programme


Our offices in Johannesburg, Singapore, and Sofia spearhead the media programme, which supports media entities in assuming their political responsibility and contributing to the development of democracy and the legal framework. The programme particularly backs independent journalists who play a crucial role as “watchdogs,” fostering an independent and free media landscape and professional, value-oriented political communication between citizens and politicians.


Learn more about the Media Programme

International Rule of Law Programme


Since 1990, the Foundation has enhanced its international democracy promotion and political dialogue with the global Rule of Law Programme. This initiative advocates for the separation of powers, strengthening rule-of-law structures, an independent judiciary, and the protection of fundamental human rights. The six regional programmes are based in Bogotá (Colombia) for Latin America, Singapore for Asia, Nairobi (Kenya) and Dakar (Senegal) for Sub-Saharan Africa (Anglophone and Francophone), Bucharest (Romania) for Southeastern Europe, and Beirut (Lebanon) for the Middle East/North Africa. The global work on the rule of law is coordinated from Berlin, focusing on global rule-of-law issues.


Learn more about the Rule of Law Programme

International Party and Political Dialogue

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung also focuses on democracy promotion at the international level, viewing political parties as vital actors in a vibrant and functional democracy. The Foundation supports democratic parties and politically engaged individuals, facilitating political dialogue and collaboration. Through local and international efforts, it creates platforms for dialogue among parties and their constituencies.


Learn more about International Party and Political Dialogue


Event series

Numerous events centered around the theme “Democracy Needs Participation” are organized by the Foundation. These include the Berlin Legal Policy Conference, the Berlin Annual Review, Democracy Day, and the Municipal Congress. These events foster dialogue and engagement on critical legal and democratic issues.

Berlin Legal Policy Conference


The prestigious Berlin Legal Policy Conference, held annually at The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's Academy, convenes high-ranking representatives from academia, the judiciary, and politics. They engage in dynamic panel discussions about current legal policy issues.


Learn more about the Berlin Legal Policy Conference

Berlin Annual Review


The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has initiated the Berlin Annual Review, a series dedicated to the Federal Constitutional Court and its role as the premier interpreter and protector of the Basic Law. This forum highlights the Court's most significant decisions from the previous year.


Learn more about the Berlin Annual Review

Democracy Day


In order to promote and defend the principles of democracy, September 15 was declared International Democracy Day by the United Nations General Assembly in 2007. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, through its political education efforts, strives to contribute by educating the German populace, enabling them to stand up for our liberal democracy and actively engage in society and politics. Consequently, The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is present with information booths in various German cities each year on September 15.


Learn more about Democracy Day

Municipal Congress


Annually, The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organizes a nationwide Municipal Congress. This congress is designed to motivate individuals toward community-oriented local political action and inspire them to participate in local politics. The event offers opportunities to meet pioneering individuals and projects, encouraging engagement in local politics or neighborhood activities.


Learn more about the Municipal Congress


Podcasts, publication and website projects

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has developed a variety of publications, website projects, and podcasts, focusing on different aspects of democracy and participation. These are some notable ones:

Defensible Democracy


The Russian attack on Ukraine has put the question of the defensibility of democracy at the center of public interest. Our collection of essays and major campaign are dedicated to the various threats facing our free society, not just from military power.


Learn more about the topic of “Defensible Democracy” or go directly to the essay volume “Die wehrhafte(re) Demokratie”.

Disinformation – Threat and Danger to Democracy and Society


Authoritarian states use disinformation to sway public opinion and destabilize democratic societies. In the digital age, disinformation has taken on new dimensions and poses a risk to our democracy. Our campaign is committed to fighting disinformation and promoting a resilient democracy.


Learn more about the topic “Disinformation – Threat and Danger to Democracy and Society”



The Extremism project of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung serves as a comprehensive knowledge portal on “left-wing extremism,” “right-wing extremism,” “Islamism,” and “conspiracy theories.” The articles and analyses, mostly authored by renowned experts, delve into the complexities and nuances of these topics.


Learn more about the Extremism project

Election Analyses and Demoscopy


Our project “Election Analyses and Demoscopy” primarily focuses on the analytical examination of federal, state, and European elections, as well as the public's satisfaction with the democratic political system.


Learn more about the “Election Analyses and Demoscopy” project

Freedom of Expression and Press in Latin America


Our project on “Freedom of Expression and Press in Latin America” provides insights into the setbacks in freedom of expression and press in the region. You will receive comprehensive information about the current situation there. Special focus is given to topics such as “Disinformation,” “Journalism under Pressure,” and “Shrinking Spaces.”


Learn more about freedom of expression and press freedom in Latin America

Change in the culture of language and debate


We've observed a significant shift in language and debate culture. The tone of public discussions has become harsher and often crosses boundaries, whether in parliament or on social media. Our project page includes studies and expert conversations exploring this changing debate culture.


Learn more about the project “Debate Culture”

Human Rights : Inquired


In our podcast “Human Rights : Inquired,” we discuss current significant human rights issues with experts. We aim to clarify complex matters and provide background information not typically found in newspapers.


Learn more about the “Human Rights : Inquired” podcast


Seminar, didactic, and scholarship offers

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung offers an engaging doctoral programme for those studying the political upheavals post the Soviet Union's collapse and the transition from authoritarian socialist regimes to democratic structures. Additionally, we highlight our numerous local political activities conducted as part of our political education work for various groups, including local decision-makers, interested citizens, and youth.

Doctoral Programme “Democracies in Europe – Transformations after 1990”

The “Democracies in Europe – Transformations after 1990” doctoral programme aims to delve into the essential questions of historical-political transformation research, focusing on the period after the Soviet Union's dissolution and the post-Soviet transformation processes in Eastern and Central European EU countries. The programme primarily targets doctoral students in contemporary history and political sciences. Participants receive a scholarship as part of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's doctoral funding programme.


Learn more about the doctoral programme

Local Political Education Offers


A key pillar in Germany's democratic system, local self-government is a crucial focus for the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Our online resource “Local Politics in Germany” provides not only information on key local political fields but also an extensive educational offering for different target groups. Whether for citizens interested in local politics, students, or local decision-makers in administration and politics, there is something for everyone.


Learn more about local political education offers

Women's College


Despite progress, women remain underrepresented in politics, business, and society. Our diverse events encourage women to take on responsibility. Therefore, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung offers a nationwide seminar programme specifically for women.


Learn more about the Women's College



The Konrad Adenauer Foundation awards the German Local Journalist Prize, one of the most prestigious prizes in the field of local and regional reporting. First awarded in 1980.

German Local Journalist Award


Local journalists and editors are pivotal in moderating local discussions and serving society and democracy. Through the German Local Journalist Award, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung supports young journalists in exceptional projects. Annually, the award recognizes editorial offices and newspapers that address complex issues, implement community-oriented concepts, or advocate for their readership.


Learn more about the German Local Journalist Award

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Daphne Wolter

Daphne Wolter

Head of the Department Democracy, Law and Political Parties / Media +49 30 26996-3607
IMAGO / Herrmann Agenturfotografie
March 6, 2024
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IMAGO / Jan Huebner
September 6, 2023
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IMAGO / Bernd Elmenthaler
March 13, 2024
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Single title
Marco Verch / ccnull
June 1, 2022
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Single title
December 8, 2016
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Publications, events and media contributions on the topic

Our contributions are as wide-ranging and multifaceted as the topic itself!

Whether it's an expert interview, specialist publication or hot debate - click through and you're guaranteed to find the right format for you!

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Publications to the topic

Mohamed Ahmed Ould Ghazouani IMAGO / ITAR-TASS

Presidential Elections 2024 in Mauritania

A pillar of hope in the Sahel region

Man im Regen Adobe Stock / Elle Arden / Generiert mit KI

A qualitative analysis of the political mood in Germany

Disappointment, frustration and resignation

Konrad Adenauer beim Zeitunglesen KAS / Guiseppe Moro

Tagesspiegel gewinnt für seine „Interaktive Schulserie“ den Deutschen Lokaljournalistenpreis 2023

Redaktion verbindet Daten und Fakten mit den Erfahrungen der Betroffenen

Weltbevölkerungstag, Menschen bilden Weltkarte Adobe Stock / Imagecreator / Generiert mit KI

The more, the mightier?

Why human capital counts in order to assert oneself in the global power structure

Demonstrators attend a rally to protest against a bill on foreign agents , after Georgia s parliament voted to override a presidential veto of the bill, in Tbilisi, Georgia. IMAGO / SNA

“Georgian Dream” turns into a nightmare

The Georgian government is rapidly turning away from the Euro-Atlantic course. But civil society and the opposition are not giving up.

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Impact of AI on Local News Models

Will AI Unlock Growth or be an Existential Threat?

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Handbook on 2024 Presidential Elections in the Republic of North Macedonia

First edition



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Enhancing Pacific Ecosystems for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Roundtable Policy Dialogue


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La investigadora del CEP, Sylvia Eyzaguirre, presentó el libro Disparidad bajo la lupa. Una radiografía a las brechas de género en Chile.

75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Map of the Month 12/2023

Kongo Elections Adobe Stock / vepar5

The Democratic Republic of the Congo before the election

The Democratic Republic of Congo with its 100 million inhabitants votes in December - an opportunity and a challenge

Taller transparencia Araucanía 1

Taller “Comunas Inteligentes y Transparentes” reunió a los 32 municipios de La Araucanía

Encuentro fue organizado por la Fundación Chile Descentralizado, la Asociación de Municipalidades Región de La Araucanía y el apoyo de la Fundación Konrad Adenauer.

Premier Cover


Tadeusz Mazowiecki. Pisma i dokumenty 1989-1990

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Trends im [Nicht-]Vertrauen 2023

Bericht über den Stand des Misstrauens in der Slowakei. Eine Studie von DEKK Institut.

General Brice Clotair Oligui Nguema

Army seizes power in Gabon

A military coup as a warrant of democracy and the rule of law?

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The Jordanian Paradox

Participation and control

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Results of two representative trend surveys

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Souveräne Repräsentation

Autorität und Mandat

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Events on the topic






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Event Reports on the topic

Event Reports on the topic

Bus OS Titel

Demokratiegestalter Tour - Osnabrück

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PXL_20240423_171127770 (1)

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Der Auftakt am 23. April 2024

Cadenabbia Titel

Staat und Verwaltung effektiv gestalten

Pöttering Titel

Europa heute mit Prof. Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering


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Das Grundgesetz für dich und mich

Grundrechtearena an der Trude-Herr-Gesamtschule in Köln

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Gruppenfoto der Preisträger und Preisträgerinnen. Ulf Dahl/Kieler Nachrichten

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Tag der Demokratie 2023

Europa vor der Wahl

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Eine Bilanz des Königsteiner World Cafés 21. Juni 2023 in der Bischof-Neumann-Schule

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Media library

KAS USA Online Event
Change and Challenges after the European Elections
A discussion about the results of the parliamentary elections in the EU and the implications for the U.S. and the transatlantic cooperation.
KAS USA / Medill School Publication Launch
Impact of AI on Local News Models
Artificial Intelligence is disrupting the Local News industry. This report is looking at the role AI can play in the way customers will consume news in the future.
Erststimme #93: Udo di Fabio
75 Jahre Grundgesetz
Feiern wir unsere Grundrechte und halten unsere Demokratie wehrhaft - dazu im Gespräch sind Prof. Dr. Dr. Udo Di Fabio und Julia Reuschenbach. #75JahreGrundgesetz.
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Post: French-speaking lecturer, 2– 8 June 2024, Benin.
Call for Proposals: Convener and lecturer, KASYP, 2– 8 June 2024, Cotonou, Benin.
The KAS School for Young Politicians aims to motivate and qualify young political professionals up to the age of 35 in furthering their political engagement.
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Erststimme #92: Lars Zimmermann
State modernization
We welcome our guest Lars Zimmermann, who is accompanying our work in 2024 as a KAS Fellow. Marcel Schepp talks to him about the topic of state modernization, among other things.
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OUTA explainer video
How should Parliament work?
Please enjoy this superb video by our partner organisation OUTA on a) how SA's government works, b) why parliament is failing, c) what parliament should do and d) how to fix SA.
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Promoting Public Participation in the Democratic Process
Direct Talks with MPs Year 2 EP 1-6
The Democratic Youth Network sits down and discusses with Members of the Parliament about many agenda, legal provisions, and policies significant for the development of Thailand.
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Erststimme #73: Philipp Pohlmann
Cologne Pride
Wir sprechen mit Phillip Pohlmann, dem Landesvorsitzenden der LSU NRW über den Christopher Street Day im Jahr 2023 und die Arbeit der LSU in die CDU hinein und aus der CDU heraus.
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KAS USA / AGI Online Event
Transatlantic Trade Week 2023
Reconciling Trade and Climate Policies: The WTO and Beyond
KAS USA / AGI Online Event
Transatlantic Trade Week 2023
The U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council and the Future of Friendshoring

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