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Asset Publisher

Environmental Security Strategies in Latin America and the Caribbean: Building Resilience

Editors: Eduardo Pastrana Buelvas, Fabricio Cabrera Ortiz y Julia Sandner

This book, created in collaboration with our Environmental Security Network led by Professor Eduardo Pastrana Buelvas, seeks to address environmental challenges in the region and promote effective strategies to build resilience.

Part IV - Environmental Safety Strategies in the Southern Cone Region

Book: "Environmental security strategies in Latin America and the Caribbean: building resilience"

Publication available in Spanish

Part III - Strategies for environmental security in the Amazon region

Book: Environmental security strategies in Latin America and the Caribbean: building resilience.

Publicación disponible en español

Part II - Environmental safety strategies in the Andean region

Book "Strategies for environmental security in Latin America and the Caribbean: building resilience".

Publication available in Spanish

Part I - Environmental security strategies in the Caribbean region

Book: "Environmental security strategies in Latin America and the Caribbean: building resilience"

Publication available in Spanish

Adobe Stock / Ricochet64

COP28: Too Big to Fail?

The World Climate Conference: A Litmus Test for the Paris Climate Agreement and a Guiderail for Future Climate Policy.

High expectations and deep rifts marked this year's COP28 world climate conference in Dubai. Nevertheless, the 198 negotiating parties managed to reach an agreement on the main point of contention, the transition away from fossil fuels, as well as the operationalisation of the Loss and Damage Fund. Other issues, such as climate finance and adaptation to climate change, received less attention. The most recent Conference of the Parties also witnessed new momentum in negotiations between participating states and the formation of new alliances and groupings.

CASE 5: Photovoltaic Solar Plant for Municipal Energy Autonomy

[Fact sheet] Río de Janeiro (Brazil)

SOLARIUM CARIOCA: An innovative approach to energy management on a municipal scale.

CASE 6: Biogas Production from Rural Wastes

[Fact sheet] Entre Rios do Oeste (Brazil)

Biogas production in the Brazilian city of Entre Rios do Oeste.

CASE 7: Digitalization as a Municipal GovTech Solution

[Fact sheet] Río Tercero (Argentina)

MUNI DIGITAL: A case of technology applied to local solutions.

CASE 8: SDG Municipalization Experience

[Fact sheet] Concepción (Chile)

The Experience of the Municipality of Concepción, Chile.

Asset Publisher

Open Series

"In der Wesermarsch, aus aller Welt"

Workshop Moderationstraining

Zum Auftakt des dreijährigen Projektes "In der Wesermarsch, aus aller Welt!' fand am Freitag und Samstag, 18. und 19. August, in Brake ein Workshop über Kommunikationsstrategien statt. Das Herrmann-Ehlers-Bildungsforum Weser-Ems fördert das Projekt und gestaltete den Auftaktworkshop mit dem Projektteam.  Als Referent führte Dr. Thomas Thielen durch das Programm, bei dem es um Interview-Schulungen, Übungen zur Moderation von Gesprächen und operativ aufmerksame Kommunikation ging. 


In dem Projekt geht es um Lebensgeschichten sowohl junger als auch älterer Menschen, die filmisch aufgezeichnet, dokumentiert und öffentlich präsentiert werden. Dabei sollen Generationen in den Dialog treten - für eine vielfältige und offene Gesellschaft. Im ersten Workshop wurde das Projektteam für diese Interviewsituationen geschult. Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer kamen aus der Wesermarsch und umzu, zudem nahmen Schülerinnen und Schüler der Zinzendorfschule  aus Tossens teil. In dem zeitägigen Workshop wurde kreativ in Einzel- und Gruppenarbeit, in Simulationen die Interviewsituation geübt. Nach dem Workshop geht es im Projekt weiter mit ersten Interviews.

Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

Country Reports with a Difference

Research on “Education of people with disabilities” around the world

People with disabilities are also among the most marginalised groups in the education system, and not only in the so-called developing countries. In recent years, it has become clear that education is one of the key prerequisites for sustainable development. Not least, the 2030 Agenda, with its guiding principle of “Leaving no one behind”, calls on us to focus our attention on this issue - also and especially in our work abroad.


What is the situation regarding access to education in the various countries in which we are active? To what extent do people with disabilities have the same access opportunities as non-disabled people? What difficulties do people face, what hurdles do they have to overcome and how can we, as a foundation, contribute to giving people with disabilities equal access to (‘civic’) education and to our programmes?


Our publication series “Country Reports with a Difference” aims to report on the current state of access to education for people with disabilities. Our overseas offices research the situation and developments in various countries. Through our reports, we can raise awareness of the inequalities that unfortunately still too often exist and bring more attention to the issue of inclusion.

Event Reports

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

Vietnam Quarterly Macroeconomic Report Quarter 3 - 2018

Viet Nam's economy maintained its growth momentum, growing at 6.88% (yoy) in Q3/2018. For the first nine months of the year, economic growth was 6.98% with a solid recovery of agriculture, forestry, fisheries and services (3.65% and 6.89%, respectively) and the 8.89% impressive growth of industry and construction area. Under the current situation, economic growth in the whole year is likely to exceed 6.8%.