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Climate change: Collaboration between the public and private sectors in Latin American cities

Fact sheet

Collaboration between the public and private sectors has been presented as a key tool in the field of climate change and the number of projects is growing more and more. In this fact sheet we present the initiatives of 293 municipalities participating in the CDP & ICLEI 2020 Unified Reporting System.

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1. Collaboration between the public and private sectors

Case studies: Serra Talhada (Brazil), Monte Verde (Costa Rica), Jico Sur (Mexico), Peñalolén (Chile), Loja (Ecuador).


2. Projects seeking financing


3. Sustainable projects in Latin America

Case studies: Mexico City (Mexico), Cerro Navia (Chile), Lima (Peru), Recife (Brazil), São Leopoldo (Brazil).


* Publication available in Spanish and Portuguese.

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Anuska Soares


Project Coordinator +51 1 320 2870


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