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Electrical interconnection and its relationship with the development agenda in Latin America

Workshop to train journalists

The journalistic Platform for the Americas CONNECTAS, and the EKLA-KAS Program will organize the event, with the support of the City of Knowledge Foundation of Panama.

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To achieve collaborative and cross-border journalistic work on key issues for development, such as the Energy Interconnection, is one of the challenges that journalism has today.

This is why the participants to this workshop will be trained in 3 intensive days, on techniques to carry a deep research and access to specific knowledge about the potential and the challenges to achieve regional energy interconnection.

To follow the event for streaming, click here

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Ciudad del Saber, Panamá


Electric interconnection and its relationship with the development agenda in Latin America: JOURNALIST ROUND TABLE AND WORKSHOP
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Giovanni Burga

Giovanni Burga

Project Manager +51 934 346 675
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Ciudad del Saber v_1