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KAS & CDP Cities Latin America Video

Launch Event

Launch event of a video on the results of the cooperation between EKLA-KAS and CDP Cities Program in 2014 and 2015.

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Cities are home to 70% of the population in Latin America and account for 75% of the world's carbon emissions. As stage of conflicts and disputes intensified by climate change, and reduced availability of natural resources, cities also offer ideal conditions for coordination between different actors aiming at the transformation of mental models, politicians and business, necessary for sustainable development.

In 2015, more than 300 cities around the world reported their climate data through the CDP system. In Brazil more than 55 cities provided data and expertise from their own experiences with climate change. This set of priceless data - including mega-cities like Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Lima and small cities like Capivari, Mairiporã and Aparecida - offers an insight into the risks and opportunities facing cities due to global warming.

After the welcome words of Mr. Jonas Donizetti, Mayor of Campinas (t.b.c.), the results of CDP Cities 2015 Program for Latin America will be presented.

Professor José Marengo (INPE - National Institute For Space Research) will give a lecture on "Climate change and water scarcity in South America", followed by the launch of a video that shows in a simple language how physical impacts of climate change could threaten cities in Latin America, as well as how the support of the Regional Programme Energy Security and Climate Change in Latin America of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (EKLA-KAS) to CDP Cities Program affected the increase of cities participating in México, Panamá, Peru, and Brazil.

The event will be broadcasted via live internet streaming here.

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CPFL Cultura (Café Filosófico)
Rua Jorge Figueiredo Corrêa, 1.632, Chácara Primavera,
13087490 Campinas
Zur Webseite



  • Jonas Donizetti
    • Mayor of Campinas (t.b.c.)José Marengo
      • Professor at INPE Post Graduate School


        EKLA-KAS & CDP Cities Latin America Video: Launch Event
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        Karina Marzano Franco

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