A paradox lies behind the energy crisis the world is currently undergoing. On the one hand, greater energy supplies are required to ensure continuous economic growth and social development on a global scale; yet, on the other hand, it is imperative to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases so as to mitigate their impact on global warming. Overcoming this dilemma requires a new global energy model, which in turn calls for a new emphasis on greater use of renewable and non-polluting energy sources. This will be a drawn out and costly process requiring all countries to acknowledge their profound interdependence.
Such a collective commitment will ensure the necessary financial resources to bring on stream the required projects. Even more important, this new understanding will enable the synergy required for meaningful scientific exchange and research on energy policies and planning in line with this new paradigm.
The Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), through its Regional Programme Energy Security and Climate Change in Latin America (EKLA), together with the Electricity Sector Study Group (Gesel) of the Institute of Economics of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IE/UFRJ) organize the International Seminar "Integration and Electrical Security in Latin America". This international seminar proposes a discussion on the electrical integration in South America, based on renewable sources. It is believed that this is a strategy that will bring security for the transition to a low-carbon energy mix, allowing mitigates climate change while promoting sustainable social and economic development.
On the first day, the discussion will focus on the political-diplomatic debate as well as on the economic debate. On the second day, the focus will be given to the electric-energy integration and the impact of new technologies.
The event will be open to the public and we will provide simultaneous translation into Portuguese-Spanish-English. For registration, click here.