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Event Reports

First Latin American Dialogue of the Network of Sustainable Cities and Mayors for Democracy

“The battle for sustainability takes place locally through its municipalities”, Nicole Stopfer

The first edition of the Latin American Dialogue of the Network of Sustainable Cities and Mayors for Democracy was held from March 9 to 11 in Mérida and was attended by more than 20 representatives, including mayors, cabinet chiefs and city technicians from Latin American countries such as Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, Colombia and Mexico.

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The Network of Sustainable Cities and Mayors for Democracy was consolidated in 2020, with the support of the Regional Center for Green Growth and Climate Change, seeking to consolidate the political and environmental dialogue between the mayors of Latin America through spaces for the exchange of experiences, training and dissemination of actions within the framework of democratic values ​​and green growth.

During 2021, different exchanges were carried out virtually with the active participation of the mayors of Latin America from countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Peru and Costa Rica. This trajectory led the Network to have a first face-to-face meeting "I Latin American Dialogue of the Network of Sustainable Cities and Mayors for Democracy" which took place from March 9 to 11 in Mérida with more than 20 representatives of mayors of Latin American cities.

During the three days of the meeting, conferences, conversations and tours of the city of Mérida were held, where the participants exchanged their experiences and knowledge for the consolidation of sustainable cities in their localities, as well as learning about what Mérida has been doing to be a democratic city with policies and actions that seek to forge sustainability.

This first meeting managed to integrate new mayors to the Network and generate links between mayors of cities that share similar challenges despite being in different countries, thus strengthening a bond of trust, exchange and mutual learning. On this occasion, we have the face-to-face participation of Municipalities from Chile (such as Concepción, Coyaique, La Granja, Peñalolén, Renca and San Javier), from Mexico (such as Mérida, Puebla, Umán, Kanasín and Ticul), with Támesis from Colombia, Belén from Costa Rica and Surquillo from Peru. It should be noted that the network is made up of more municipalities at the regional level, which were able to accompany us virtually.

The topics addressed through the developed panels added to the exchange of experiences and encouraged greater conversation and collaboration between the representatives of the mayors' offices.

On the first day, a panel was developed that put democracy as an essential element for society and for work on sustainability. This panel was made up of our host Renán Barrera, Mayor of Mérida, as well as the Municipalities of Puebla and Ticul, both from Mexico, and the Municipality of Coyaique, Chile.

The second day began with the presentation of the "Index of Energy Management and Climate Change in Mexico" by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Mexico and by Pablo Necoechea, CEO of ESG Academy. Then, a panel was developed where the governance of cities for sustainability was deepened, with the participation of the municipalities of Concepción, Mérida, Támesis and Belén. A panel was also developed that addressed green growth from local governments, where we learned about the experiences of the municipalities of Renca, Mérida, San Javier and Kanasín. To end the day's work, a field trip was made to learn about some sustainability projects in Mérida: the Green Points, the Eco-archaeological Park and the Xoclán Agavario.

The third and last day of the meeting began with a panel aimed at learning about sustainability initiatives in cities where we learned about concrete actions of the Municipalities of Peñalolén, La Granja, Surquillo and Umán. Then, the 2022 plan and the communication proposal of the Network of Sustainable Cities and Mayors for Democracy were discussed.

A milestone in the meeting was the signing of the Declaration of Sustainable Cities and Mayors for Democracy, where the mayors reaffirmed that:

- Democracy is a system of government that allows progress towards sustainable development

- Action for sustainability focuses on local work strengthened by participatory governance.

- The Network of Sustainable Cities and Mayors for Democracy puts the human person at the center of environmental action.

- There is a commitment to share and develop experiences and initiatives that promote sustainability and the fight against the climate crisis.

Finally, the meeting concluded with a visit to the Cuxtal Ecological Reserve to learn how conservation work contributes to the reduction of threats to the functioning of ecosystems as well as to the quality of life of city dwellers.

The participants agreed that dialogues and spaces like this are necessary to advance in the consolidation of sustainability in their municipalities and reinforce their personal and political commitment to green growth.

This is how this first meeting generated and strengthened the links that we seek to promote since the conception of the network in 2020. At EKLA we are convinced of the potential of the Network of Sustainable Cities and Mayors for Democracy to lead the implementation of positive sustainability actions and contribute to our goal of promoting more decision-making processes in climate change and energy security.

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Aracelli Ramos


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