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Event reports

Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week

The Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week, took place in Salvador, Bahía, Brazil from 19th to 23rd August 2019, designed to advance regional climate action. It aimed to support the implementation of LAC countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement on climate change and action to deliver on the SDGs.

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Salvador de Bahía Semana del Clima ICLEI EKLA KAS 2

In the framework of the Climate Week, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), through its Regional Program Energy Security and Climate Change in Latin America (EKLA) organized the Panel: South American Cities Heading to COP25 in cooperation with the ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability. Our panel contributed to South American City Networks, to come together and share experiences and insights on a strategic milestone for cities in the region on the climate change agenda, and to strengthen the connection between these networks as well as global networks to achieve greater impact and ambition towards COP25.

Integration and exchange of information and knowledge between countries is fundamental and a way of drawing federal governments' attention to more effective public policies and funds. With this, a special role is given to local governments as they play a very important role in their own regional integration and policy development.

The “Climate Change Week” was considered very positive, with a good division of topics that were debated throughout the week, both in the private and public sector, covering recent topics such as the urgency for adaptation, how to finance adaptation in Latin America as well as the need for integral solutions for the implementation of transport components of NDCs, among others.


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