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Our departments

Where our international work comes together

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In addition to our international network of offices, our departments in Berlin constitute an important pillar of our European and international cooperation. Together with our colleagues abroad, our departments strategically plan and coordinate our global projects. Moreover, they organise events in Berlin and other parts of Germany. They publish studies that serve to introduce information, discussions and new trends from the many regions and countries in which we operate into domestic debates about essential political, economic and social topics.

An overview of our departments

Asia and the Pacific


Our department for the Asia-Pacific region directs the work of 21 Foundation offices and 7 regional programmes that serve to build bridges between the Asia-Pacific region and Europe – based on values and with a focus on security, democracy and innovation.

To the Asia and the Pacific Department

Europe and North America


Our Europe and North America department’s work has a strong emphasis on consolidating European integration, just as much as it does on strengthening partner parties and democratic institutions in individual European countries. It also focuses on promoting the transatlantic partnership and the work of multilateral organisations.

To the Europe and North America Department

Latin America


As one of the world’s most democratic regions, alongside Europe and North America, Latin America is an important partner of ours in our efforts to promote a rules-based, multilateral global order. With 12 Foundation offices and 5 regional programmes, we foster dialogue on topics such as democracy, rule of law, decentralisation and the social market economy.

To the Latin America Department

Middle East and North Africa


This region is undergoing a period of upheaval accompanied by political, social and economic crises. Our Middle East and North Africa Department’s work focuses on helping guide these processes of transformation toward sustainable democratic development.

To the Middle East and North Africa Department

Sub-Saharan Africa


Developments in Europe’s southern neighbourhood have diverse repercussions for countries north of the Mediterranean, too. Creating well-functioning democratic states remains the principal aim of the work done by the 14 Foundation offices coordinated by our Sub-Saharan Africa department.

To the Sub-Saharan Africa Department

International Reports and Communication

Our International Reports and Communication department is responsible for the quarterly International Reports magazine and for coordinating the foundation’s international media programmes. It also serves as a contact point for advising our Foundation offices on social media strategies and multimedia formats.

To the International Reports and Communication Department

EU Projects

To complement our activities, KAS has also helped realise European Union projects for many years. The main areas of our EU-funded work are the strengthening of democracy, cooperation among political parties and civil society, conflict prevention, good governance and decentralisation.

To the EU Projects Department


Our foundation seeks to develop and improve its international work continually while adapting to changing circumstances. Our Evaluation department is a key point of contact in this respect, bringing together experience and information from the entire spectrum of our work.

To the Evaluation Department

International Dialogue Programs

As a hub for the exchange of information and expertise between Germany and our global partners, our International Dialogue Programs department organises numerous conferences and dialogue programmes every year. It is also the point of contact for many of our international scholarship holders.

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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers

Dr. Gerhard Wahlers

Deputy Secretary General and Head of the Division European and International Cooperation +49 30 26996-3260 +49 30 26996-3567

Clauspeter Hill

Clauspeter Hill

Deputy Head of the Division European and International Cooperation +49 30 26996-3481 +49 30 26996-3552

Caroline Kanter

Portrait von Caroline Kanter

Deputy Head of the Division European and International Cooperation +49 30 26996-3527 +49 30 26996-3557

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