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Against all odds

by Christoph Plate

Journalists from Sahel meet in Niamey to discuss Media and Terrorism

Working as a journalist in the Sahel is a double challenge: Governments make the access to information difficult, terrorists and armed groups roaming in countries such as Niger, Mali, Mauretania, Ivory Coast and Nigeria threaten media people. KAS Media Africa invited more than 20 experts from ten countries to Niamey, the capital of Niger. Mohamed Bazoum, the Minister of Interior opened the conference and underlined the importance of the media in fighting terrorism.

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Panel of Experts at the Conference
Some of the editors attending lead such a dangerous life that they keep on changing the places where they sleep, in order not to become targets. Others were discussing the right balance as to how to report a terrorist attack without causing panic amongst media consumers. After all most journalists and media consider themselves as gatekeepers and leaders in their societies. “The ever-changing face of terrorism has to be addressed internationally, through cross-border operations”, said Christoph Plate, director of KAS Media Africa. And terrorism expert Abdoulaye Bah from Mauretania added, that to look back in history, to analyze terrorism in the Middle East or in Somalia can enable societies threatened today to find the right answers.

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Christoph Plate

Christoph Plate bild

Director Media Programme Southeast Europe +359 2 942-4971 +359 2 94249-79


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