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Merkel: Democracy needs a free press

In the current podcast from 16th of May 2020, German Chancellor Angela Merkel underlines the role of the free press - 75 years after the first post-war newspapers were published in Germany: "A democracy needs facts and information. It has to distinguish between truth and lie.” Right now, during the corona pandemic, well-researched information is important for the society.

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English translation:

The first newspapers in Germany were founded 75 years ago after the Second World War. In our constitution from 1949, Article 5 states: "Freedom of the press is guaranteed. Censorship does not take place." This was not taken for granted after the time of National Socialism. During this time, journalists were muzzled, imprisoned and even murdered. And even in Germany after the Second World War, only the western part benefited from freedom of the press. There was no freedom of the press in the GDR. We also know today from authoritarian regimes that when they come to power, firstly the freedom of the press is being suppressed and free journalism can no longer take place. It is very unfortunate when in our democratic society reporters and journalists are attacked. One can say: how free the press is, indicates the level of our democracy. That is why we all have to stand for free journalism and the free work of journalists.

Question: What makes a free press so important for a democracy?

If you love freedom, a free press is also essential. Freedom always means perceiving and appreciating the opinions and beliefs of others. At the same time, this means putting your own thinking and old certainties to the test again and again. Journalists must be able to take a critical look at the government and all political actors. A democracy needs facts and information. It must distinguish between truth and lie. It must be possible to see reality from different perspectives and to form the corresponding opinions. This is especially true in the current situation, in connection with the corona virus. In this context, well-researched information is of great importance to all of us. This often concerns information that is also very complex and can therefore be processed by journalists and presented in a simple and understandable manner. This is of great importance for the opinion making in our society.

Question: In times of the pandemic, some criticise again that the press does not cover the entire spectrum of opinions. How do you see that?

I don't see it that way, on the contrary. We are learning every day, the science in particular, and it provides us with new knowledge. It is absolutely important that we understand this and that many people learn about it. This is ensured by the media, both public and private, analogue and digital media. A democracy needs publicity. It needs a space in which we can communicate together about our laws, but also about our values. It needs a public that can argue and have different opinions in order to develop common solutions. This requires tolerance of the other person's opinion. But that also presupposes being able to take criticism of one's own opinion. If we take all this to heart, then our open society will find the best solutions. The fact that we now have over 70 years of freedom of the press can make us proud but also grateful. However, it is also a challenge for us to make sure that journalists have opportunities for free reporting every day and that we respect, appreciate and support this work.


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