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About us

Our Foundation offices – a worldwide network for democracy

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We believe that our efforts to promote democracy, rule of law, freedom and the social market economy only have a lasting effect when they are thought of in international terms. This is why the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has continuously strengthened its European and international partnerships since its early days and has opened an increasing number of Foundation offices since the 1960s. What began with offices in Chile and Venezuela has now developed into a dense network encompassing all the world’s regions. It includes over 110 offices in over 80 countries, which, combined with the work of our various Berlin-based departments, pursue three main objectives:

  • improving the political environment in host countries and solving problems in line with the foundation’s objectives and values

    To this end, the foundation’s local representatives organise programmes and projects precisely tailored to local needs, either with partner organisations or on their own.

  • promoting knowledge transfer between Germany and host countries

    The Foundation offices ensure a constant flow of political background information from each of the regions, providing stimulation for political discussions and decision-making processes in Germany. At the same time, debates, information and trends from Germany are introduced into the host countries.

  • creating public forums for the promotion of German political and economic interests

    The foundation’s international offices are points of contact for connecting audiences from Germany with the respective host country.

In addition to Foundation offices dedicated to working in and with specific host countries, we have established a range of issue-specific regional programmes. These programmes focus on a particular topic that cuts across countries. Examples include our policy and party dialogue programmes, our rule of law programmes, our programmes on climate and energy security and our media programmes, which support independent journalism around the world.

You can find an overview and further information about our global locations on our world map below.

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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers

Dr. Gerhard Wahlers

Deputy Secretary General and Head of the Division European and International Cooperation +49 30 26996-3260 +49 30 26996-3567

Clauspeter Hill

Clauspeter Hill

Deputy Head of the Division European and International Cooperation +49 30 26996-3481 +49 30 26996-3552

Caroline Kanter

Portrait von Caroline Kanter

Deputy Head of the Division European and International Cooperation +49 30 26996-3527 +49 30 26996-3557

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