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Event Reports

Second Greek-German Journalist Workshop

Dialoggers in Berlin

Young journalists from Greece, Germany and France did a joint research on the Greek-German relations at the beginning of 2013.

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In continuation of the first Greek-German Journalist’s Workshop of KAS Athens, twelve journalists from Greece, Germany and France came together for a joint research on the topic “friendship in times of crisis” – this time in Berlin.

After the great success of the first workshop, the journalists met again to tell a European story of the Greek-German relations. Among the topics were the decline of tourism in Greece, the start-up scene in Greece and Germany in comparison, the situation of Greek entrepreneurs in Germany, the welfare state in Germany and how unemployed can cope with it, the Greek community in Berlin and migration.

In addition to the intensive research in bi-national tams on-site, the journalists had the opportunity to get in touch with colleagues of different media as well as representatives of the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Non-Governmental Organisations.

The results of the workshop are available on the project’s website,,- multi-medial stories for a new German-Greek dialogue.

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Henri Bohnet

Henri Bohnet bild

Policy Advisor for Media / Political Parties / Digital and for Southern Africa +49 30 26996-3289
Logo of the Greek-German media project of KAS Athens Journalistische Nachwuchsförderung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
Youth Perspective KAS


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