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Expert panel

Regulating the Digital World

A discussion on the regulation of the Digital World

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17.00h – 17.10h Welcoming Remarks

Henri Bohnet, Director, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Greece and Cyprus


17.10h – 17.30h Introductory remarks | The position of the policy side

Niki Kerameus, Minister of Education and Religions

Dr. Christos Dimas, Deputy Minister for Developments and Investments

17.30h – 18.10h Discussion 

Taming the digital sphere – intersection between the public and the private needs to be tamed –potential and challenges

Prof. Georgios Yannopoulos, Assistant Professor for IT Law and Legal Informatics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Konstantinos Kollias, President, Economic Chamber of Greece

Prof. Spyros Vlachopoulos, Professor of Constitutional Law, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens



Marianna Skylakaki, CEO and Founder of a8inea


18.10h – 18.20h Concluding Remarks
Dr. Fotis Fitsilis, Head of Department for Scientific Documentation and Supervision, Scientific Service, Hellenic Parliament, Professor, National School of Public Administration and Local Government


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Regulating the Digital World: A discussion on digitalization
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Martha Kontodaimon

Martha Kontodaimon bild

Project Manager - Research Associate +30 210 7247 126

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