Iran has the world's 4th largest crude oil (157 billion barrels), 2nd largest natural gas (34bcm/1,192Tcf) reserves and it has a promising future in renewable energy. Iran's energy wealth and geo-strategic location - a bridge between East and West, allows it to export energy resources to both European and the rapidly growing Asian energy markets. Due to various internal and international political, economic, and security constellations, Iran has failed to successfully exercise its energy potential domestically and internationally.
Welcome Address and Introduction
- Professor Dr Friedbert Pflüger, Director, EUCERS, King’s College London
Introductory Statements
- Alistair Burt MP, Member of Parliament and former Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) responsible for FCO policy on Middle East
- Professor Jonathan Stern, Chairman and Senior Research Fellow, Natural Gas Programme, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
- Dr Frank Umbach, Research Director, EUCERS, King’s College London
- Kalina Damianova, KAS Fellow at EUCERS writing a study on Iran as re-emerging energy superpower