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The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is a political foundation of Germany, with the vision to promote international dialogue, sustainable development, good governance, capacity building, regional integration and enhance understanding of the key drivers of global developments. It is named after the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Konrad Adenauer who embodied Christian-social, conservative and liberal traditions. His name represents the democratic rebuilding of Germany, reconciliation with France, the anchoring of German foreign policy in a trans-Atlantic community of values, the establishment of the unique relationship between Israel and Germany as well as a vision of European unity and Germany’s orientation towards a social market economy.

German political foundations are singular throughout the world. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is associated with Germany’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party. Not many other organisations provide the same expertise in the field of democracy building and dialogue. Although each foundation is affiliated with a political party, they are organizationally, legally and financially independent and they are funded by the German Government. Their international work is closely aligned with Germany’s foreign policy goals. Through its international activities and projects carried out in collaboration with local partners, KAS makes a substantial contribution to international cooperation, ensuring that Germany lives up to its growing responsibility in the world. Particularly in development policy, the aim of our work is to motivate and enable (young) people to shape their own future by strengthening democracy, the rule of law and promote the principles of a just social market economy. This includes capacity building in the areas of creating sustainable democratic structures, constitutional reform, as well as the support of human rights and peace processes. For this end, we collaborate with government institutions, policy-makers, political centre parties, civil society organisations, academia and the media sector. A further pillar underpinning the political work is research and consultancy. This is more than just giving advice on current political affairs. We conduct research on the implications of political developments and seek to inform the policy-making process to contribute towards the development of far-sighted, sustainable policies that can help prevent crises.

Currently KAS is present in around 120 countries, with over 100 offices on six continents. With our worldwide networks and long-term partner structures, we aim to contribute to knowledge exchange and policy development in line with our values and goals. The activities of KAS in the Middle East are aimed at structural changes as well as at strengthening and empowering social actors and, above all, institutions that advocate a change that not only contributes to the urgently needed stabilization of the region, but also advances truly sustainable development.

In its mission statement, the KAS commits itself to preserving and developing the close friendship between Israel and Germany. Therefore, KAS Israel mainly works on deepening the relations between both countries and between Israel and the EU in the field of foreign and security policy as well as social, economic and energy policy by emphasizing the common interests. Another important pillar of the work of KAS is the implementation of regional dialogue formats. Positive developments and regional normalisations are taken into account as well as regional power shifts and external threats. Finally, an important field of activity of KAS Israel is in the area of democratic resilience. The KAS is particularly proud to cooperate with renowned partners, with whom phenomena such as populism and threats to democracy are analysed and solution-oriented, alternative options for action are developed. All of KAS Israel’s programmes are dedicated to collaboration and knowledge-sharing to strengthen resilience and the ability to find solutions to the pressing problems of our time. The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung is a German body funded by the German government. Under the provisions of Section 36A(a) of the Israeli Law Of Amutot, the Stiftung is a Foreign State Entity, regarding reporting obligation.

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