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Parliamentary Elections

by Hutuf Mansour

Jordan 2024

Are you ready to shape the future of Jordan in the 2024 parliamentary elections?

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Welcome to our dedicated page for the 2024 parliamentary elections in Jordan. Here, you will find a series of informative videos designed to promote awareness and participation in this pivotal democratic process. Our goal is to encourage every eligible citizen to exercise their right to vote, ensuring that their voices are heard and represented in parliament. Join us in shaping the future of Jordan by staying informed, getting involved, and making your vote count. Watch our videos to learn more about the type of candidates, the electoral process, and the importance of your participation in building a stronger, more vibrant democracy in Jordan.

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Hala Abu Ghazaleh

Hala Abu Ghazaleh

Project Manager +962 6 5929777 ext.: 204

Hutuf Mansour

Hutuf Mansour

Project Manager / Research Assistant +962 6 5929777 ext.: 206


Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher