Asset Publisher
«Amanat» Party

Партия "Аманат" - крупнейшая политическая партия в Казахстане. Была основана в 1999 году по инициативе первого президента Казахстана Нурсултана Назарбаева.
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RES Association «Qazaq Green»

Association was established in 2018 as a non-profit organisation, promoting renewable energy in Kazakhstan and uniting investors, developers, equipment manufacturers, international financial institutions and universities.
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«Medianet» International Centre for Journalism

MediaNet International Centre for Journalism is a non-governmental organization founded by a group of Kazakhstan journalists in 2004.
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«ARGO» Civil Society Development Association

ARGO is a nonprofit organization, planning and administering national, regional and international socio-economic development programs. Priority regions for ARGO are Central Asia, CIS countries and South Asia.
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Legal Media Center

Legal Media Center is a Kazakhstani non-governmental organization which specializes in media-relations, advocacy and media training since 2003.
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