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Specialist conference

7th “Adenauer-Conference“

Germany´s Role in International Security Affairs

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At the 7th "Adenauer Conference" on Germany's role in international security affairs, experts and decision-makers from politics, science and the military will discuss these challenges and opportunities. How can Germany fulfil its role in the UN Security Council and contribute to a rule-based world order? How can the balancing act between strengthening NATO and at the same time gaining European autonomy in defence policy succeed and how can Germany meet the expectations of its European and transatlantic allies? And what contribution should the Federal Government make in view of global challenges such as China's expansion efforts and possible violent clashes in the Indo-Pacific region?

There will be a simultaneous translation in German/English for this event.

Livestream will be provided at and facebook @kasfb
​​​​​​​Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer unfortunately had to cancel the conference due to health reasons.
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08:45 a.m. Registration and Welcome Coffee

09:15 a.m. Welcoming Remarks and Introduction

Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert, Chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and former President of the German Bundestag

09:30 a.m. Key Note on European Security and Defence Policy

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Chairwoman of the CDU Germany

10:00 a.m. Coffee Break

10:45 a.m. Comment about Europe ́s Strategic Autonomy

Elmar Brok MEP, Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs

11:00 a.m. Europe´s Strategic Autonomy and Paths to an Army of the Europeans

Since French President Emmanuel Macron's speech in November 2018, the debate on a common EU security and defence policy has gained momentum. In addition to existing projects such as PESCO, a European Defence Fund and the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP), possible further steps towards European defence integration shall be discussed. How can a European defence policy that is complementary to NATO and the nation states be realized? How can a process of modernization and cooperation be set in motion in order to meet today's challenges?

Admiral Jürgen Ehle, Head of the Military Policy Department, The German Permanent Representation to the European Union

Alexander Reinhardt, head of Public Affairs Germany, AIRBUS

Dr. Daniela Schwarzer, Director, German Council on Foreign Relations

Juraj Krúpa, Security and Defence Programme Director, Slovak Security Policy Institute


Jakov Devčić, Desk Officer for European Affiars, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

12:30 p.m. Lunch

01:30 p.m. Germany in the UN-Security Coucil: A European Voice?

Germany has been a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council since 1 January 2019. Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel had already announced in the summer of 2018 that she wanted to interpret the seat as European. In particular, the Federal Government is maintaining an intensive exchange with France and will chair the most powerful UN body together with France in March and April - a first in the history of the United Nations. How does Germany plan to shape its European agenda in concrete terms? What coordination and consultation instruments already exist between Europeans, and where is there a need to improve them or break new ground?

Ambassador Dr. Christoph Heusgen, Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Nations

Ambassador Anne-Marie Descôtes, Ambassador of the French Republic to the Federal Republic of Germany

Dr. Andreas Nick MdB, Chairman of the Subcmmittee on United Nadttions, International Organiations and Globaliation, Member of Commttee on Foreign Affairs

Prof. Dr. Johannes Varwick, Professor for International Relations and European Poliics, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


Daniela Braun, Desk Officer for Foreign and Security Policy, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

03:00 p.m. Coffee Break

03:30 p.m. A new Agenda for the Transatlantic Relations

Transatlantic relations have been burdened in recent years by the debate over burden-sharing within NATO, Nord Stream II and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). However, the challenges posed by Russia's revisionist policies and China's increasingly global claim to power in the West can only be met in a transatlantic context. A clear commitment to the North Atlantic Alliance and fair burden-sharing are essential for safeguarding German and European interests.

Dr. Norbert Röttgen MdB, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee

Dr. Nile Gardiner, Director, Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom and Bernard and Barbara Lomas Fellow, The Heritage Foundation

Dr. Andrew Denison, Head of Transatlantic Networks

Benjamin Fricke, Desk Officer for Security Affairs, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

05:00 p.m. Security Challenges and Opportunities in the Indo-Pacific

Shortly after the EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement, Chancellor Merkel travelled to Japan. Against the background of China's expansion in the Indo-Pacific region and the political differences between China and the USA, Japan and Germany have announced that they will do more to promote international free trade and multilateralism. The two most populous countries, India and China, are also significant players in Asia's rise. Not only will both countries accommodate 62 percent of the urban Asian population by 2025, but they will also assert their claim to power in the Indo-Pacific region. For instance, the Kashmir conflict between India and Pakistan recently flared up again, with the danger that China could be involved.

Dr. Christian Wagner, Senior Fellow, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)

Prof. Dr. Yoko Iwama, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), University of Kyoto, Japan

Prof. Dr. Brahma Chellaney, Professor for Strategic Studies, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, India

Theresa Fallon, Founder and Director, Centre for Russia Europe Asia Studies, Brussels, Belgium

Dr. Peter Hefele, Head of Department Asia and Pacific, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

06:30 p.m. End of Conference