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The Link October 2009

Enhancing Governance for all

Articles in this Issue: •Land Reforms coming soon•Councillors to control LAFT•Aids vaccine cuts infection•Herbal practioners to be legalized•M’MUST validates its degrees•PSV operators cry foul•HELB: College students to benefit•Will sugar privatization help?•Sambu isolated politically in Webuye•History of climate change•SPECIAL REPORT: CONSTITUTIONAL REVIEW RPOCESS

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Issues around good governance from seven provinces except Nairobi are highlighted in The Link newspaper. The paper not only discusses policy and statutes in a pullout centre spread, but also provides experiences on best practices in governance in different sectors of the economy from the regions as a form of information exchange for RAs, policy makers, NGOs, and research institutions. 10 editions were produced in 2008.

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