Asset Publisher
Stiftung des Kroatischen Staatlichen Eides (ZHDZ)

Der Auftrag unserer Partnerstiftung besteht darin, ein auf christlich-demokratischer Grundlage wirkendes Exzellenzzentrum für politische Bildung und Beratung aufzubauen. Durch die politische Bildung setzt sich dieser Partner für Frieden, Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit in Kroatien und auf internationaler Ebene ein. Die Grundwerte der ZHDZ basieren u. a. auf Elementen der katholischen Soziallehre, in denen der Mensch und seine Würde im Mittelpunkt stehen und auf soziale Gerechtigkeit wird ein besonderer Wert gelegt. Die Hauptziele der Stiftung bestehen in der Begleitung des Aufbaus einer demokratischen Gesellschaft und der Etablierung einer sozialen Marktwirtschaft, sowie der Förderung politischer Nachwuchskräfte.
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Zagreb Initiative (ZI)

The Zagreb Initiative (ZI) is a group of experienced and approved Croatian economists and journalists, who wish to provide proposals for solving economic challenges in Croatia. Moreover, the initiative aims to make their proposals accessible for the interested Croatian public by organizing discussions and submitting publications. Using their own journal named “Perspektive”, they try to make important elements of the social market economy model accessible for the broad public in order to determine a faster and more sustainable developmental path for the Croatian economy.
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Kroatischer Verband der Sicherheitsexperten (HUMS)

Der kroatische Verband der Sicherheitsexperten (HUMS) ist ein unabhängiger Berufsverband, der sich selbst als „…unabhängig, unparteilich und unstaatlich(NGO)…“ beschreibt. Die Verbandsmitgliedschaft erstreckt sich auf alle Personen, die beruflich an leitender Stelle mit Sicherheitsaufgaben im öffentlichen und privaten Sektor befasst sind. Die Hauptziele des Verbandes sind die Verbesserung der Interaktion aller mit dem Ziel des Aufbaus einer sicheren Gesellschaft befassten Institutionen wie die Stärkung der Partnerschaft zwischen öffentlichen und privaten Sicherheitsfirmen in Kroatien. Der Verein legt Wert auf die intensive Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Staat, der Verwaltung, der Wissenschaft und den mit Sicherungsaufgaben befassten privaten Unternehmen.
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Regional Arms Control Verification and Implementation Assistance Center (RACVIAC)

"Regional Arms Control Verification and Implementation Assistance Center (RACVIAC)" is an international, independent, non-governmental, regional and academic organisation with the mission to support the dialogue and the cooperation concerning security issues in Southeast-Europe between countries of the region and its international partners by developing a partnership. With the goal of regional strengthening of stability, RACVIAC deals with a broad range of political-military questions, including the reform of the security sector, as well as the international and regional cooperation with a focus on Euro-Atlantic integration. The center contributes to the support of information, opinion and idea exchange for an increased transparency and stability in the Region.
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Zentrum für Politische und Soziale Entwicklung (CEPSOR)
Das Zentrum für Politische und Soziale Entwicklung (CEPSOR) ist eine unabhängige, überparteiliche Nicht-Regierungsorganisation, mit dem Ziel der Weiterbildung politisch interessierter Bürger, die sich stärker in das gesellschaftliche und politische Leben Kroatiens einbringen wollen. Ziel der monatlichen Seminare ist es, den Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit zur Diskussion aktueller politischer Fragen zu geben.
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Catholic University of Croatia

The Croatian Catholic University was founded in June 2006. Their mission is the continuous search for truth, with particular emphasis on the education of the whole person concerning traditional catholic values. Through scientific research and teaching, it prepares students for the practice of professional activities in the spirit of Catholicism and Catholic social teaching. Through scientific research and learning the Croatian Catholic University prepares students to carry out professional activities in the spirit of Catholicism and the social teaching of the Catholic Church. It provides a place for well-educated, scientific and artistic students to grow and is also involved in international cooperation with institutions of political education, such as the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, with whom the university organizes value-oriented events on a regular basis.
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Universität Zadar

Die Universität Zadar blickt auf eine lange Geschichte zurück, deren jüngste Epoche im Jahre 1955 mit der Verabschiedung des Gesetzes zur Gründung der Philosophischen Fakultät begonnen hat. Inzwischen ist die Universität Zadar die größte vollständig integrierte Universität in Kroatien mit 25 Fachbereichen. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird auf die Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen und regionalen Gemeinschaften im Rahmen der Durchführung gemeinsamer Projekte und der Fertigung von strategischen Entwicklungsdokumenten gelegt. Durch die Förderung der Zivilgesellschaft im Rahmen gemeinsamer Aktivitäten, wie etwa der Durchführung von Workshops und Seminaren mit der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung trägt sie zur Diskussion aktueller wie grundsätzlicher Fragestellungen bei.
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MAGROS-Suvremena trgovina

Das Magazin „Suvremena trgovina“ ist die einzige kroatische Fachzeitschrift für den Sektor Wirtschaft und Handel. Sie erscheint seit 1976 und entwickelte sich in den letzten Jahren zum wichtigsten Magazin zu Exportfragen. Das Magazin legt mit seiner hohen Auflage und Distribution im wissenschaftlichen Umfeld hohen Wert auf die Transmission von Grundkenntnissen. Das Magazin verfügt zudem über ein Internetportal mit ca. 8000 Besuchern pro Tag, auf dem aktuelle Wirtschaftsprobleme thematisiert werden. Und organisiert auch mit der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung tägliche Veranstaltungen (Konferenzen), die unter dem Logo: MAGROS regelmäßig stattfinden.
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Croatian Counties Association (CCA)

The Croatian Counties Association (CCA) was founded in 2003 as a non-governmental organization (NGO) by members of local (regional) self-government. The association currently unites all 20 counties and the city of Zagreb. As a national umbrella organization of Croatian regions, the association has a special role in supporting the cooperation between the counties and local (regional) self-government within the counties. At the same time, the association promotes through its activities the implementation of measures for the further development of authorities and local (regional) self-administrations on a national and European level.
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The Croatian Pan-Europa Union (HPEU)

The Croatian Pan-European Union (HPEU) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) founded in 1991. It operates in the capital Zagreb and ten other Croatian cities. Its activity is focused on building a free and fair community of all European nations on Pan-European principles of European unity, subsidiarity, Greek wisdom, Roman law and Christian belief. Through conferences and meetings of the presidency of the International Pan-European Union, the HPEU tries to raise public awareness of current and future political, economic, social and cultural challenges.
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The Jože Pučnik Institute

The Jože Pučnik Institute (IJP) was founded in 2006 as a think-tank of scientists, policymakers and experts from various fields with the goal of enhancing political culture in Slovenia. With its activities the IJP wishes to encourage and support free exchange of opinions on topical questions in society which are important for development of democratic thought.
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Institute Dr. Janez Evangelist Krek (IJEK)

The Institute Dr. Janez Evangelist Krek – IJEK (Institute of the Slovenian party, New Slovenia – Christian Democrats – NSi) was founded in 2009. The institute deals with social and political education, led by its group of experts from economic, political and social areas. IJEK represents the Christian-democratic values and strengthens the Christian democracy within the Slovenian civil society with the goal of becoming the leading Christian Democratic institution. The focus of its work are the development of democratic culture and political dialogue, the social and political education and EU integration.
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Faculty of Political Science of the University of Zagreb (FPZG)

The Faculty of Political Science of the University of Zagreb (FPZG) is the oldest academic and scientific institution in the field of political science in South-East-Europe. It provides the only study degree for political science in the Republic of Croatia. Founded on the 23rd of February 1962, the Croatian parliament initiated the introduction of the faculty at the University of Zagreb. The same year, in November, the implementation of teaching the study degree of political science began. The faculty’s aim is to convey critical orientated knowledge concerning the Croatian state, politics, society, media and public, as well as informing about the relevant international relations. The faculty supports democratic institutions and a democratic culture. Through scientific findings, it contributes to the political education of Croatia’s citizen.
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Economic Magazine Lider

The Economic Magazine Lider is one of the most influential and popular magazines in Croatia. The first edition was issued on the 7th of October 2005. At the same time, their online platform was introduced, which reports the most important economic and political events on a daily basis. With over 100.000 monthly visitors, the Lider-platform is one of the most popular online-platforms of the country. Besides up-to-date news from all over the country and the world, it includes columns of the most prominent Lider-editors and journalists. In the beginning of the year 2007 the activities of the magazine were successfully extended by the organisation of conferences and seminars. During a year, the magazine organises more than 25 conferences and business meetings. The magazine addresses businessmen and young readers, who are at the start of their career.
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The Institute of Social Sciences “Ivo Pilar” (IPI)

The Institute of Social Sciences “Ivo Pilar” (IPI) is a public institute of the Croatian Republic, which is the largest national research institute for social sciences and humanities. It aims to provide high-quality scientific research since its foundation in 1993 by maintaining a multidisciplinary approach. It is financed through the state budget and funds, which were approved by the Croatian Science Foundation, as well as through contracts with international organisations and multilateral cooperations. The IPI has developed a comprehensive network of national, regional and international institutions, universities, governmental organisations, associations and NGOs. „Through research to facts“ is their motto and their journal „Društvena istraživanja“ (Social Research) has the reputation of an international scientific publication.
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ZGRADOnač is the first advisory, educational and information service for every (co-)owner of real estate in Croatia. It was founded in mid-September 2020 in order to better explain the rights and obligations of (co-)owners of real estate. ZGRADOnač researches numerous laws, rules, regulations and tenders, contacts appropriate institutions, listens to problems and finds solutions, all with the aim of making living together in the building easier. This service helps everyone to keep their property in the best possible condition. ZGRADOnač monitors everything related to all types of real estate in Croatia and all co-owners, representatives of co-owners and managers of buildings across Croatia can read advices, information and instructions on how to solve a problem. ZGRADOnač presents the best practices of how to successfully build, maintain and manage a residential building, but also through social networks and in other ways encourages public discussion about the importance of related topics. In addition, ZGRADOnač, in partnership with the first business internet and podcast radio PoslovniFM, broadcasts a show about the real estate market – ZGRADOnačelnik.
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Foundation Knowledge at Work

Znanje na djelu, as a non-profit organization (Foundation), offers programmes and projects which address the skills gap between education and the business sector to tackle the problem of employability in Croatia and the brain drain. Developed in partnership with local educational and public institutions, authorities and companies, the Foundations programmes reach out to pupils as well as teachers on all levels of education. Znanje na djelu offers internship opportunities to gain first-hand experience of work processes and business routines, encouraging interest in entrepreneurship and responsibility for career development. The foundation organizes company visits and workshops for educators to support practice-orientation, explorative learning and creativity stimulation in teaching.
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Bled Strategic Forum (BSF)

Since its launch in 2006, the Bled Strategic Forum (BSF) has evolved into a leading international conference in Central and South-Eastern Europe, offering a platform to express and contrast opinions on modern society and its future. The purpose of the Forum is to gather participants from various fields with knowledge and encourage them to exchange views and seek innovative solutions to contemporary and future political, security, strategic and developmental challenges. The Bled Strategic Forum is a project of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. In the last couple of years, BSF has been accompanied and enriched by the Young BSF. Young BSF is a Forum that strives to give youth a voice and a platform to develop their vision in cooperation with their peers from all over the world. Hundreds of influential political representatives, business leaders, think tanks and NGOs, representatives of international organisations, business representatives, thinkers and academics gather each year at the Bled Strategic Forum to actively shape the future we want for us and the generations to come.
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The Croatian Radio Publisher Association "HURIN"

The Croatian Radio Publisher Association (HURIN) represents the interests of local radio broadcasters in Croatia. It also serves as a platform for discussion that deals with the current situation in the Croatian broadcasting landscape and future challenges. The association awards excellence and recognition's to the most outstanding radio employees and shows during the Day of the Croatian Radio Publisher Association (HURIN).
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