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KAS Kroatien und Slowenien

Event Reports

Visit to the HDZ Headquarters

by Marko Prusina
The Head of the office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung for Croatia and Slovenia, Mr. Holger Haibach visited on February 9th, 2020, together with the Director of the Croatian Statehood Foundation (ZHDZ), Mr. Srećko Prusina the headquarters of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), where he met with the HDZ Secretary General, Mr. Krunoslav Katačić and talked about the cooperation between HDZ, ZHDZ, KAS and CDU.

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Holger Haibach

Holger Haibach

Head of the KAS office in Croatia +385 1 4882-650 +385 1 4882-656


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