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Reform agenda and policy options for Lebanon

A series of papers and policy briefs offers clear analyses and practical recommendations aimed at supporting Lebanon’s path to stability and progress.

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Lebanon has navigated one of the most challenging periods in its recent history, facing deep-seated political, economic, and social issues that threatened its stability and future. Over the past two years, the KAS/CIH collaboration produced a series of papers and policy briefs that addressed these critical challenges. These documents provided a comprehensive analysis of Lebanon's systemic problems and proposed actionable solutions to guide the country toward a more stable and prosperous future. The topics explored included the necessity of political reforms, the restoration of state sovereignty, the imperative of good governance, and socioeconomic stability.

Among the various themes explored in these papers, the urgent need for political reform in Lebanon stands out. The documents examined the country's sectarian divisions, the fragility of its national identity, and the challenges of sovereignty, highlighting the consequences of a compromised political system. The KAS/CIH projects advocated for reforms that emphasized transparency, the rule of law, and the establishment of institutions capable of equitably serving all citizens. These reforms were seen as crucial for rebuilding a resilient state, particularly in the face of ongoing challenges to Lebanon’s sovereignty and national unity.

Additionally, the papers addressed Lebanon’s broader geopolitical context and foreign policy challenges. Topics such as Lebanon’s geopolitical transformation, the role it should play in the region, and the evolution and characteristics of nation-states were explored to provide guidance for Lebanon’s positioning on the global stage. The state of citizenship in Lebanon, with its possibilities and challenges, was also a key focus, highlighting the need for a cohesive national identity and inclusive governance.

Looking ahead, the upcoming policy briefs will continue the KAS/CIH collaboration's mission by exploring a diverse range of critical issues for Lebanon’s future. These briefs will cover essential topics such as state sovereignty, citizenship challenges, and the pursuit of good governance. Additionally, they will address the complex dynamics of Lebanon's political and social systems, including issues related to justice, diversity management, and local authority roles. The series will also consider the impact of the Syrian refugee crisis and propose strategies for sustainable solutions.

Policy Brief Publications

Breaking Free from Statelessness: The Shiite Question and Possible Paths Forward

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Arabic Version here (الخروج من اللّادولة: المسألة الشيعيَّة وأي خيارات؟)

The Sovereignty of the Lebanese State: Reality and Aspiration!

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Arabic Version here (الدولة اللبنانية والسيادة: واقع وتطلع!)

The Evolution and Characteristics of Nation-States: A Case Study of Lebanon

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Arabic Version here (تطوّر الدول الوطنيّة وخصائصها: واقع لبنان)

Decentralization and Federalism: Which Path to Lebanon’s Salvation?

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Arabic Version here (بين اللامركزية والفدرالية: أي طريق لخلاص لبنان!)

Lebanon and the Pluralism Governance: A Constitution or Regime Crisis?

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Arabic Version here (لبنان وإدارة التعدّديّة: أزمة نظام أم أزمة منظومة؟)

Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: Navigating Future Scenarios and Policy Recommendations

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Arabic Version here (اللّاجئون السّوريون في لبنان: سيناريوهات محتملة ومبادىء لسياسة عامَّة)

Lebanon and Accountability Good Governance as a Compass

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Arabic Version here (لبنان والمحاسبة: الحكم الرشيد كبوصلة)

The Lebanese Cause Challenges, Risks, and Rescue Dynamics

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Arabic Version here (القضيَّة اللُّبنانيَّة: التحّديات والمخاِطر ودينامَّيات الإنقاذ)

Social Justice in Lebanon: Reality, Challenges, and Stakes

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Arabic Version here (لبنان والعدالة الاجتماعّية: الواقع والتحّديات والّرهانات)

Lebanon between the Defense Strategy and the Dilemmas of Sovereignty

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Arabic Version here (لبنان بين االستراتيجية الدفاعيةومآزق السيادة)

Lebanon and Geopolitical Transformation: Which Foreign Policy & What Role?

Dowload Publication here

Arabic Version here (لبنان والتغيّرات الجيوسياسيّة أيّ سياسة خارجيّة؟ أيّ دور؟)

Lebanon, the State of Citizenship: Possibilities and Challenges

Dowload Publication here

Arabic Version here (لبنان دولة المواطنة: الخيارات والتحدّيات)

Dealing with the Past Through Collective Memory Towards Rebuilding the Lebanese State

Dowload Publication here

Arabic Version here ( التَّعامل مع الماضي في ترميم الذَّاكرة الجماعيّة نحو إعادة بناء الدولة اللّبنانيّة)

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Albert Jawhar

Albert Jawhar

Project Manager +961 (21) 203 127/8

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