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Top of the Blogs 2018 #17

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This week we are looking at important future-related developments within two conflictual countries- namely, Cameroon and Zimbabwe. Blogs are also reporting on an award-winning sustainable innovation in Burkina Faso as well as on shocking circumstances in Chinese companies in Zambia.

Zimbabwe’s next five years

The blog contribution reaches out to the need for a more common national consciousness by finally looking beyond our noses as to what it all means. Calling the elections in Zimbabwe “zero-sum power games”, the author argues that Zimbabwean are relatively short ‘termist’ in understanding the role of the state as well as its control of the national political economy, which is even understandable due to the 38 year rule of the Zanu PF party. Furthermore, a lacking democratic national consciousness is the result of an increasing continental embrace of consumerism motivated by a global embrace of free market economics. Looking into the future, developments such as the withdrawal of publicly funded social services in favour of private ones will actually support the existing focus on individual and materialist narcissism. Using the ‘base and superstructure’ of Marxism may help to give rise to the hope that the contradictions of the neoliberal route of Mnangagwa’s government lead to a new emerging national consciousness, based on an understanding of democratic political and economic values of equality for all- perhaps over the next five years.

Yacouba Sawadogo, a farmer from Burkina Faso wins ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’ for Drought-fighting Technique

Starting around 1980 during a phase of drought, Yacouba Sawadogo, a farmer from Burkina Faso, started experimenting with traditional planting pits for soil, water and biomass retention. Due to constant innovations, his ancient farming technique to reverse desertification created a 40-hectare forest which nowadays counts as one of the most diverse forests planted and managed by a farmer in the Sahel. Sawadogo’s technique allows farmers to produce crops even in years of drought which is an important step forward in adapting to climate change, reduce rural poverty as well as water related conflicts. Since this could become an effective tool to counter forced migration and build peace, he was honored with Sweden’s “alternative Nobel prize”.

Cameroon has a tense, long wait for election results as social media claims unverified winners

Success for internet rights organizations: Since Cameroon does not have the best reputation when it comes to internet freedoms, people highly expected another repressive shutdown of the internet by the government in the course of the highly contentious election on October 7. But surprisingly- the internet was just left alone. Still, a controversial problem represents the spreading of many unverified voting numbers on social media channels such as Facebook and WhatsApp. This raises fears of some sort of official government backlash as well as that the deteriorating security situation in the country could worsen.

Chinese Companies and the Abuse of Zambian Workers

The article reveals shocking circumstances for Zambian workers of Chinese companies: Besides paying their workers meagre salaries, there are no general safety precautions at all. Working for years without any safe gear next to unidentified, strong chemicals as well as unacceptable hygienically standards are reasons enough to close down the company. But still, the company keeps running with all updated permits from Zambia Environmental Management Agency and elsewhere. Unfortunately, this case of the abuse of workers in Zambia by Chinese national only represents one of many cases.

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