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The Media Program of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation cooperates in every single area with local,national and regional partners. The success of our work is based on this long lasting and trustful cooperation. This is the guaranty that our projects are adequate and sustainable for the development of our South East European project countries.
Article 10 EHRC Task Force – Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
This interdisciplinary and transnational working group consists of media lawyers, experts and journalists. It was set up to promote the safeguarding of article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights – the principles of media freedom. Started by media lawyers from the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) and universities in Bulgaria, Hungary, and Serbia, the group is open to members from other countries.
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Center for Independent Journalism - Bucharest, Romania

The Center for Independent Journalism (CIJ) is a non-governmental organization supporting responsible media by defining professional standards and securing an honest and balanced media environment. CIJ supports the freedom of expression as a prerequisite for a real democracy. CIJ facilitates social dialogue by encouraging citizen participation and demanding responsible decision-making.
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Central European Initiative – Trieste, Italy

The Central European Initiative (CEI) is a large forum of regional cooperation in Central, Eastern and South East Europe which enables 18 member countries (both EU and non-EU) to strengthen political, economic and social cooperation and prepare countries interested in joining the European Union through capacity-building and know-how transfer. Amongst its many activities the CEI is also engaging in the area of Information Society and Media.
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Macedonian Institute for Media – Skopje, Macedonia

The Macedonian Institute for Media (MIM) was founded in 2001 as a non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit organization, open for all media and journalists in Macedonia. MIM’s main mission is to contribute in promotion and development of professional standards in journalism and media education in Macedonia. The institute is one of the biggest media and communication developing platforms in Macedonia.
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Mediacentar Sarajevo - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Established in 1995 as an educational initiative, the Mediacentar Sarajevo supports the development of independent and professional journalism through trainings, publishing, media research, and organisation of cultural events. The maintenance of the online and print media database "Infobiro" has been an integral part of its contribution to the development of the media environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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Media Development Center - Sofia, Bulgaria

The Media Development Center (MDC) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization established in 1998 to promote independent media in Bulgaria and to foster capacity-building of the media by encouraging good practice in journalism, stimulating the professional ethics, and institutionalizing the dialogue among the state administration, the media and the NGO sector.
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Network for Reporting on Eastern Europe (n-ost) – Berlin, Germany

The Berlin-based network connects journalists and experts specialised in Central and Eastern Europe as well as media initiatives from over 40 countries. It provides the German-speaking public with high-quality reporting from the region. In addition, the network campaigns against economic, social and political constraints on journalism. It is actively contributing to the development of democratic media in Eastern Europe.
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Press Council - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Press Council in Bosnia and Herzegovina is the first self-regulatory body established in the post-communist countries of South East Europe. Its main duty is to protect the public from unprofessional and manipulating reporting, acting as the mediatory body between readers and print media. On the other side, the Press Council in BiH also protects the print media from political, economical or any other pressure.
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SEECOM Association – Budva, Montenegro

The South East Europe Public Sector Communication Association (SEECOM) is a Budva-based forum for PR specialists of governments, parliaments and other state authorities in South East Europe. It aims at promoting democracy by professional political communication. SEECOM has been co-founded by KAS and is based on the principles of the "Budva Declaration": transparency, openness and citizens’ involvement.
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South East European Network for Professionalization of Media - Budapest, Hungary

The South East European Network for Professionalization of Media (SEENPM) promotes excellence in journalism through policy initiatives, research and training. SEENPM unites seventeen non-for-profit media development NGOs from twelve South East European and neighboring countries. Its activities are based on the belief that joint commitment and cooperation are pivotal to the development of independent media.
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Foundation Media Democracy – Sofia, Bulgaria

The Foundation Media Democracy (FMD) was established in 2007 and has become the leading organisation for media monitoring in Bulgaria. Together with the KAS Media Program South East Europe it prepares an annual media monitoring for the country. FMD’s goal is to contribute to the development of a pluralistic, democratic media landscape by promoting transparency and a critical attitude among media participants.
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South East Europe Media Organisation - Vienna, Austria

The South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), is a regional network of editors, media executives and leading journalists from all types of media. With its committees, SEEMO aims to create a bridge between international media activities and the developments in the region. With KAS and the Central European Initiative, SEEMO is hosting the South East Europe Media Forum.
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The Peace Institute - Ljubljana, Slovenia

The Peace Institute (Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies) in Ljubljana is a non-profit research institution working in various fields of the social and human sciences such as sociology, political science and law. The organisation’s activities focus on the study of peace and conflict and on issues of human rights, media and EU policies in South East Europe.
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Zenith Association – Skopje, Macedonia

The Zenith Association for Development Initiatives based in Skopje examines, creates and promotes practices that foster development and democratic governance through research, educational activities and training, discussions and debates, as well as publishing and advocacy activities.
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