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KAS Media Programme South East Europe grants for the first time the Adenauer Journalism Scholarship

by Manuela Anastasova
On 17th of September 2020, the KAS Media Programme South East Europe has granted the first Adenauer Journalism Scholarship.

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Eva Nikolova-Rasheva and Nicole Valcheva from the New Bulgarian University as well as Svetoslava Shikova and Victoria Kostova from the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” were awarded with the scholarship.

The new Scholarship Programme is tailored to talented journalism students in Bulgaria. "Unfortunately, the media situation in Bulgaria is very bad," said Hendrik Sittig, Director of the KAS Media Programme South East Europe at the awarding event. “We want to support with the scholarship young future journalists with the hope to establish a new generation of media representatives.” By working with the students, the Media Programme also wants to support the journalism education in Bulgaria.

The scholars receive a monthly grant and are going to take part in the KAS Media Programme‘s events in Bulgaria. Besides that, numerous projects are planned in the framework of the scholarship.

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