Dr. Peter Frey, editor-in-chief of Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF) and presenter of numerous political television programmes gave this year's lecture on “Digital change in television and the special responsibility of public service broadcasting”.
The lecture began with opening remarks by the Dean of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” Prof. Dr. Vesselina Valkanova, the Head of the KAS Media Programme South East Europe, Hendrik Sittig, and the German Ambassador in Bulgaria, Christoph Eichhorn.
Prof. Dr. Valkanova highlighted the challenges of public service broadcasting in a digitized environment. It must remain competitive and at the same time correspond to the interests of the various social groups through diverse content.
Ambassador Eichhorn emphasised the changed professional outline of journalists in the times of digital change, using the metaphor of the lighthouse, namely that journalists represent the light in the darkness of the flood of information.
And Hendrik Sittig stressed the following: “I am convinced that public service broadcasting is an important part of the democratic society - if it can work independently and is well financed to carry out its tasks. It must be a source of reliable and objective reporting. Today, in our fragmented digital media landscape, this is more important than ever. Public service broadcasting must be an advocate for the population – of its viewers, listeners and online users, it is not a plaything of politics."
At the beginning of his lecture, Dr Frey explained the financing of the public broadcasting in Germany through the Rundfunkbeitrag (public service broadcasting fee). He then outlined the structure (different platforms, television programmes, rubrics, etc.) of ZDF, describing it as a multimedia house. ZDF produces numerous popular information programmes, such as the news programme "Heute Journal", the morning show “ZDF-Morgenmagazin” and talk shows. The information section is for Dr. Frey of great importance, so that the viewers can obtain a fact-based picture. He concluded that public service broadcasting has a high public value and stressed its important role as an essential pillar of the democratic society.
The Adenauer Lecture is organised once per semester by the KAS Media Programme South East Europe in cooperation with the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication of the Sofia University, featuring leading journalists from Germany, that talk about current challenges in the media sector.