The Academy of Media Law, organised by the Faculty of Law of Sarajevo and the KAS Media Programme South East Europe, was concluded on 30th of October after 36 thematically different teaching hours over a period of one month. The Academy’s curriculum included ten fundamental topics of media law presented by academics and practitioners. For the participants (students, lawyers and journalists) this was an opportunity to meet and discuss important media issues.
During the closing ceremony, the academy's initiator, Harun Iseric, pointed out that networking among young lawyers and journalists is essential to defend freedom of the media and freedom of speech in fragile democracies such as Bosnian.
The Dean of the Faculty of Law, Zinka Grbo, underlined that the leadership of the Faculty of Law in the field of media law in Bosnia and Herzegovina is evidenced by the continued participation of students in Moot Court competitions in media law. However, the support of the KAS Media Programme South East Europe was indispensable.
At the end of the ceremony, three of the best participants of the Academy - Umma Kosovac, Marija Cesic and Adna Mujic - were awarded.
The participants expressed their satisfaction with the academy, especially its structure, group tasks and the involvement of the students in the workshops. They emphasized the importance of the reference to the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.