After the 2019 workshop in Sarajevo turned out to be a great success and the interest in MoJo continues to be strong, now also in 2021, after a long workshop break due to COVID-19, eleven participants from 5 different countries in South East Europe had the opportunity to immerse further into the world of MoJo along the beautiful Adriatic coast, to exchange experiences and best practice examples with colleagues from different areas of the media, but also to apply theoretical knowledge directly in their own MoJo project.
Due to the increasing pace of digitalisation, new trends in the media sector and changing user habits, the media, editorial teams and journalists are under pressure to be constantly up to date and to keep up with all these trends. Especially in 2020, a year of crisis, it became clear that the media are more dependent than ever on digital communication channels. However, an increased number of communication channels presupposes that more high-quality content is produced. Especially in South East Europe, editorial offices are reaching their limits in this regard, as rigid structures and a limited budget are slowing down the digital transformation within the media, often making new forms of journalism difficult to approach. Furthermore, there is an increased demand for online services and a struggle to stay relevant for both existing and new user groups.
Mobile journalism has already proven to be a very useful practice for journalists to withstand this pressure. The smartphone combines all the necessary tools for recording, editing and creating journalistic content - regardless of its format. It can be used for online media, social media, for (live) broadcasts, but also for radio features and podcasts. Mobile journalism is much more than a cost-effective way to produce content on the go. MoJo enables cross-medial work and a gives a unique access to topics and to people. Hendrik Sittig, Head of the KAS Media Programme South East Europe, opened the workshop and also highlighted all these advantages of Mobile Journalism in his welcome speech: "Every one of us has such a smartphone. It is a magic box for every journalist. You can find the tools you need for your journalistic work in this little thing. You can do everything by yourself. And as a multimedia journalist, you can produce - quickly and easily - independent stories with sometimes very cool perspectives."
The trainers of the workshop were Antje Pfeiffer from Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb) and DW correspondent in Thessaloniki, Florian Schmitz. Both MoJo advocates appealed for a professional handling of the smartphone as a journalistic tool, because although the smartphone has an everyday use, the production of journalistic MoJo content should definitely be learned. For mobile journalism to gain a foothold in editorial offices and be recognised as a serious journalistic practice, professionalism and quality are crucial.
The participants of this year's workshop were young journalists and reporters from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia and North Macedonia, coming from the field of online media as well as from television and radio. All participants had the opportunity to put what they had learned during the workshop directly into practice and work on their own short MoJo story on the topic of "Corona and tourism". During their research and recordings on the Adriatic coast, the participants gained insights into the difficult living conditions of many local tourism operators and managed to produce emotional but also exciting contributions on the topic in a very short time. The practical units also turned out to be an inspiration for further contributions within the participants' editorial departments.
The KAS Media Programme South East Europe will continue to support new forms of quality journalism with further training offers, as such formats enjoy particular popularity and contribute to the promotion of cross-regional cooperation.