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European Union Climate and Energy

EU–China Green Partnership for Better Global Governance

Yanzhu Zhang - Foreign Environmental Cooperation Center, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Beijing, China

Check out the paper in our series of publications on the external dimension of the European Green Deal, jointly launched by KAS-MDPD, DIE and FIIA.

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The EU and China both share a commitment towards green development and better global governance on climate change. China aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, the EU by 2050. In September 2020 the two sides agreed to establish a High-Level Environment and Climate Dialogue to pursue joint commitments (source:


How can these two actors deepen a cooperation that contributes to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development? Is it possible to work together to consolidate the EU-China green partnership for better global governance?



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The views expressed in this short paper represent solely the author’s own analysis and not his employer’s nor the publishers.

Doc: MDPD Paper - CC BY-SA 4.0
Pic: AdobeStock_60426024_nathanxrx

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About this series

“European Union Climate and Energy” is a section with a series of reports and other publications designed to provide insight into the EU’s ambitions in the field of climate and energy policy development. Each publication in this series focuses on the EU’s global engagement in a clean transition or on how partner countries’ climate and energy ambitions relate to the EU. This series aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the EU’s engagement strategies in the field of sustainable energy cooperation, climate change adaptation and mitigation as well as its partnership policies in the field of climate and energy.

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