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The US Withdraws from the JCPOA

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The US under President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew from the JCPOA on 8 May 2018 and reinstated sanctions against Iran. Although the agreement remains in force between the other contracting parties, China, France, Russia, the UK, Germany, and the European Union, Iran’s response has been to accelerate its nuclear programme, stoking tensions.


Why It Matters 

The Trump administration’s argument for withdrawal was based on the agreement’s lack of control over Iran’s ballistic missile programme, and the agreement’s expiry dates. Following fresh law passed by Iran’s Guardian Council in 2020, Iran has ramped up its nuclear activities, and according to the IAEA, as of November 2021, has enriched 17.7 kg. of uranium to 60 percent and 113.8 kg. of uranium enriched to 20 percent. When enriched to 90 percent, uranium can be used in a nuclear weapon.

The U.S returned to JCPOA negotiations under President Biden in 2021. Currently, six rounds have been concluded without success and were to resume on 29 November 2021 in Vienna.


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