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Namibia on the eve of decisive elections

After decades in power, the ruling party SWAPO has to strive more fiercely to stay on top.

A record number of voters has registered to cast their ballots for the presidential and parliamentary elections, which are taking place on 27 November. One and a half million voters want to decide the political future of their country. Will they punish the governing SWAPO, in power since independence in 1990, just like voters did for the ANC in neighbouring South Africa?

Lund Media / Maike Becker

Namibia's Water-Energy-Food Nexus

National Development in Uncertain Times

In our publication “Namibia's Water-Energy-Food Nexus”, we present Namibia's water, energy and food sectors and their interrelationships and analyse how the country's development prospects can be improved by strengthening the interactions between and among the Nexus pillars.

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.

Der lange Weg zur Inklusion in Namibia

Inklusion weltweit – Aktueller Stand aus Namibia

Nach der letzten nationalen Datenerhebung der Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) aus dem Jahre 2016 machen Menschen mit Behinderungen rund 5 Prozent der Gesamtbevölkerung in Namibia aus. Der tatsächliche Anteil dürfte jedoch weitaus höher sein. Diese Annahme fußt auf den Mangel an verfügbaren aktuellen Daten, Stigmatisierung, Diskriminierung und kulturellen Vorurteilen, mit denen Menschen mit Behinderungen (PwD: People with Disabilities) in Namibia noch immer konfrontiert sind. Der Schwerpunkt dieses Berichts aus der Reihe „Länderbericht mal anders“ liegt darin, die fortschrittlichen Bemühungen von diversen Interessengruppen in Zusammenarbeit der KAS Namibia-Angola sowie die wichtigsten nationalen Institutionen im Behindertensektor in Namibia vorzustellen.

The Namibian Constitution

A Comprehensive Guide

This work on the Constitution of Namibia is addressed to people in Namibia, researchers, students, members of the general public, but also to readers outside the country with an interest in Namibian politics and the legal order of the country. Meeting the expectations of readers from Namibia but also from the interested public at large is difficult. For Namibians matters may be of interest which people in other countries will not find important at all. For people in Europe or elsewhere, explanations may be called for, which the Namibian reader may find more than redundant. The authors, who have experienced this methodological dilemma living on both sides of the fence, tried to find a compromising way through the dilemma.

Dominant Parties as Governments in Southern Africa

Their changing nature and its implications for democracy and democratic consolidation

Electoral politics have always been an important attribute of measuring citizens’ involvement in political processes in southern Africa. However, the divergent nature of regimes and governance systems has always made it difficult to measure and assess whether an emerging pattern can tell us anything about the process to and from democratic consolidation in the subregion. This is because, in southern Africa, only four countries – Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zambia – have held elections under conditions that can be considered generally free and fair. Zimbabwe, on the other hand, has held elections on a regular basis, but they are increasingly seen as neither free nor fair and remain heavily contested. Lesotho’s fractured politics mean that elections are held irregularly, while in Eswatini the political landscape remains dominated by the monarchy. Zambia, which has a history of both authoritarianism and fractured democratic politics, oscillates politically between competitive authoritarianism and electoral democracy (Levitsky & Way, 2012). The political fortunes and continued party dominance of former liberation movements as governments in Angola, Namibia, Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe currently face unprecedented challenges from opposition parties. Indeed, the particular case studies of each of these countries reveal interesting dynamics for electoral politics and party system development and sustainability in southern Africa.

Green Hydrogen Development in Namibia

Fact Sheet 2022/23

An overview of Green Hydrogen Development Facts and Figures in Namibia since 2022, Timelines, Challenges, Opportunities, Projects, Collaborations and more.

KAS / Natalie Russmann

Between Hype, hope and tangible changes

The potential of green hydrogen for Namibia and Africa.

By implementing its plans for becoming a leading producer of green hydrogen, Namibia has the potential to kickstart its economy, create jobs nad help fight climate change. International partnerships, investment and know-how are key to making this long-anticipated hope a reality.

Conflict Resolution Book For Traditional Authorities in the Four Northern-Central Regions

The “Conflict Resolution Booklet” aims to aid and assist all Traditional Authorities in the northern-central regions of Namibia to arbitrate land issues and help them, when faced with difficult cases and questions of communal land use as well as land ownership.

Namibia’s Voting System in Brief

Empowering Namibian Voters with Information

Elections are the process by which members of a community or country choose representatives to hold positions at various levels of government. Since its first democratic election in 1989 under the guidance of the United Nations (UN) Peace Plan, Namibia has held regular elections to allow its citizens to take part in the democratic process and vote for leaders they choose themselves. The 2024 Presidential and National Assembly elections are coming up quite soon. This information booklet has been prepared by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s Namibia– Angola Office to educate and engage you, the voter, on what it means to vote. The information given here is impartial, which means we do not try to influence your vote in any way. This booklet offers information on the Namibian voting system and on the process of voting. It is meant for all Namibian voters that are eligible (legally able) to vote as well as anyone else interested in Namibia’s voting system. The booklet also aims to educate voters about how voting takes place, who is involved in the voting process, and how everyone is expected to behave (according to what are known as Codes of Conduct). This information is about elections before they take place as well as after they have happened.

Namibian Federation of the Visually Impaired (NFVI) – Equipment Handover

Capacitating People with Disabilities

On 31 May 2022, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Namibia – Angola Office handed over equipment to the Namibian Federation of the Visually Impaired (NFVI) at their head office in Windhoek. The main objective of this handover is to support the federation with equipment including a Perkins Brailler Classic Manual and a Tactile Heat Swell Form Machine, to aid the braille/transferal of text to braille. Additionally, to enable the federation to capacitate their members with the necessary resources, to bring crucial information closer to persons with visual impairments (inclusion) and promote practical application of the Namibian Constitution, with special reference to Chapter 3.