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Leadership Training in the Omaheke Region

Training on basic organisational skills and leadership for community based organisation

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During the week of 12-16.04.2021 the Konrad Adenauer Foundation organised a leadership training with "One step At a Time Organisation (OSAAT)" in Onderombapa in the Omaheke Region. 40 participants benefitted from the engagement.

During the same week, "Namibia Men for Gender Justice (NMGJ)", KAS cooperation partner conducted stakeholders engagement on Gender Based Violence programme in Hardap Region. NMGJ is hosting workshops in  Schlip, Hoaganas, Stamprei and Gochas. All activities are part of contribution to building capacity in community based organisation.

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Omaheke Region


  • Mr. Nandi Mazaingo

    Dennis Zaire

    Dennis Zaire bild

    Senior Programme Manager +264 61 225-568 +264 61 225-678

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