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Event Reports

Handover of the "All-Inclusive Namibian House" publication to the Namibian Prime Minister

The new publication of the KAS office for Namibia and Angola "Towards Our All-Inclusive Namibian House – How can we build a Nation in which no Namibian feels left out" was officially handed over to Namibian Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila on the 12th of June in the Old National House in Windhoek.

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The handover rounds out the more than one-year development process of the publication, which is the result of a joint project between the KAS office for Namibia and Angola and its partner organization Forum For the Future (FFF). The publication developed from the president's 2015 so-called "State of the Nation Address" in which he described the process of building a state as comparable to building a Namibian house where no citizen is left out. As the Namibian society sees itself far away from this ideal at the moment, the KAS office and its partner organization FFF decided to jointly work on several recommendations on how to achieve the described ideal in the long term as well as the identification of possible issues and challenges that may occur during the process. These ideas were in the following discussed, corrected and finalized by chosen experts as well as around 1000 citizens from all different regions of the country. The final document was first presented to the public and the media on the 23rd of March and attracted great interest in the following. In order to make the collected ideas available for the government, who was seen to be the actual recipient of the ideas, the KAS office and its organization partner scheduled an appointment with Namibian Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila who took the book on behalf of the Namibian president Hage Geingob. Mr. Thomas Keller, resident representative of the KAS office for Namibia and Angola and two representatives of the KAS organization partner FFF attended the appointment in person and were involved in a lively discussion with the Prime Minister about selected ideas and proposals of the publication. The publication generally received a very positive feedback and is seen as an important contribution to building an "all-inclusive Namibian house".

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Übergabe All inclusive Namibian House


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